
Worcester Technical High School has 1, 476 students enrolled, and 127 teachers with a 11.6:1 student to teacher ratio.

The largest demographic of students is 38.3% Hispanic students, then 31.4% white students, followed by 18.6% African American, with all other racial identities/ethnicities below 8%.

High needs students are considered those who are eligible for and receiving subsidies, and students who come from a low income or economically disadvantaged family. Currently 70.5% of the WTHS student population is considered high needs and 63.4% is designated as low income. WTHS is classified as a Title 1 School based on this high concentration of economic need.

54.7% of the student population are English Second Language (ESL) students.

WTHS is considered to be making "moderate progress towards targets (47%)" in their accountability review, and does not require any assistance or intervention.

Enrollment by Race/Ethnicity

According the DESE website the percentage of students who are African American is 18.6% (state 9.3%), Asian is 7.7% (state 7.2%), Hispanic is 38.3% (state 23.1%), Native American is 0.2% (state 0.2%), White is 31.4% (state 55.7%), Native Hawaiian, Pacific Islander is 0.1% (state 0.1%), Multi-Race, Non-Hispanic is 3.6% (state 4.3%).

Selected Populations

According to the DESE website, the percentage of students whose first language is not English is 54.7% (state 23.9%). The percentage of students who are English Language Learners is 6.4% (state 11%). The proportion of students with disabilities is 13.8% (state 18.9%). The proportion of High Needs students is 70.5% (state 55.6%), and the proportion of students that are low income is 63.6% (state 43.8%).