Authored Information Packages

At a basic level, the pedagogy for curriculum development in the human-dominated Anthropocene Epoch is founded on assembling and distributing digitally authored information packages (AIPs), each consisting of a picture/graphic with a legend, which can be assembled as zooetic mind maps about how to live sustainably. An IT slideshow is a collection of virtual AIPs, as is a museum or art gallery. A 'flash card', a 'tweet', a postcard and a blog post, are also AIPs.

AIPs can all be traced back to Orbis Pictus, or Orbis Sensualium Pictus (Visible World in Pictures), a textbook for children written by Moravian-German educator John Amos Comenius and published in 1658. It was the first widely used children's textbook with pictures, published first in Latin and German and later republished in many European languages. The revolutionary book quickly spread around Europe and became the defining young people's textbook, imparting life skills, for centuries.

All kinds of AIPs can support classroom and distance learning about how to live sustainably. The differences between them are the systems of delivery. In this context, AIPs can be assembled as narratives delineating learning pathways to engage practically with the United Nation’s 2030 sustainable development strategy. This puts nature first in all that we do and and orientates civilization toward non material ends. It is a new life skills package of ecocacy, to be taught alongside literacy and numeracy for people to prosper within our planet. Life skills are essentially those abilities that help promote mental well-being and competence in young people as they face the realities of life.

ICE consists of a blogging IT platform, Google Blogger, where blogs are subject divisions, and posts are the AIPs for communicating topics, ideas and comments for individual and group microlearning.