Bowling Etiquette

Bowling Etiquette

Bowling etiquette is very important. If you're going to bowl seriously, or just bowl at all, please make sure you respect bowling etiquette. It's not very hard, but many people don't seem to realize that it exists...


  • Always wear bowling shoes. Street shoes will ruin the approaches and equipment.
  • Keep inappropriate language and outbursts in your head. Nobody wants to hear it.
  • Keep any food or drinks away from the lanes. Spilling anything can damage the equipment and also be dangerous for others.
  • Remove your street shoes away from the lanes, especially if wet. If any of that water ends up on your bowling shoes, you might end up on your face in the middle of a lane.


  • Do not stand on the approach.
    • The approach is the wood area where you stand when you're ready to bowl (in other words, where you go to "approach" the actual bowling portion).
    • After you bowl or while you're waiting to bowl, please step away.
    • Never stand on the approach unless you are actually in the process of picking up the ball and bowling!
    • As soon as the ball hits the pins, you should be making your way back to the area behind the approach (where the seats are).
    • If you are to go again, you should continue to wait there and not step onto the approach until it's your turn.
    • This is very important and worth putting first because of it.


  • Be ready to take your turn. Don’t make everyone wait.
  • Don’t step over the foul line.
    • It’s against the rules and can also result in you tracking oil all over the approach, which is dangerous and ruins the enjoyment of the game for others.
  • Don’t use someone else’s ball unless given permission. Use common courtesy.
  • Wait your turn. Again, this is regarding the approach area.
    • If there is someone bowling on the lane to either side of you, don't step on the approach until the other person has started to bowl.
    • As soon as they start their movement towards the foul line, you are allowed to step up. Not before!
  • Don't use balls that aren't yours. This should be a given!
    • Don't use other people's balls without asking. Though, really, you shouldn't even ask . . . it's a bit awkward.
  • Don't kick the ball return.
  • Don't yell or shout things. It's not cute at all but just annoying.
  • No mockery or taunting. Bowling is a game of respect, especially in leagues and tournaments.


  • Yield to the bowler to your right if you’re both up at the same time.
  • Stand off the approach and out of the line of sight of the other bowler until she finishes.
  • Do not intrude on the adjacent lanes in any way.
    • That includes throwing your ball onto the wrong lane, standing or playing on another lane’s approach, or doing anything that infringes on the adjacent bowlers’ lane.


  • Don't hit or try to hit the pin-sweeper. This should be plainly obvious.
  • Don't throw several balls at once. Don't be stupid.