Things People Say

Things People Say

  • 'Just wanted to say thank you for the warm welcome you and the other officers of your battalion gave to us today. We all enjoyed the day and look forward to joining you again next year‘thank you for an enjoyable weekend - I certainly plan to enter teams for next years event; the boys are asking about it already!’
  • 'Id like to say a big thank you to yourself and everyone else who was involved in the 10 pin bowling competition last week. It was our first involvement in this event and even though we didn't get to the latter stages of the competition, we all thoroughly enjoyed being a part of it'.
  • ' I have, only just I think, recovered from a complete lack of sleep as I'm sure you'll know that boys only ever tend to sleep on the bus home after a weekend away. However, it was totally worth it, and I'm sure we'll be back next year to have another go, and with a large number of boys in our company ready to move up from the Juniors, we might even be able to enter a few more teams too!
  • 'Please pass on our appreciation and thanks to the kind gentleman who organised our accommodation at the church. It couldn't be any better located, and the facilities are just ideal - making our stay a very comfortable one.'
  • 'We are proud to be part of an organisation which can run a large event of this sort so well - THANK YOU!'
  • 'Many thanks for organising the event. Talking to the boys at BB last night they thoroughly enjoyed it and are hoping to go again next year.'
  • 'Thanks for an excellent weekend, a good chance to renew old friendships and to make new ones. The accommodation was excellent, the fellowship great for both boys and staff. The organisation on the day was again superb, we are really looking forward to 2004.'
  • 'Just a word of thanks from the boys and myself, we had a great weekend and thoroughly enjoyed ourselves. Everyone whom I have spoken to yesterday and today have congratulated us even thro we didn't bring home any silver wear, we even out shone ourselves. As I said there is always next year and I may have 2 teams will have to wait and see how good my 4 new Company Section boys are. Look forward to next year, have also spoke to my Battalion to see if we couldn't get some more teams to enter.'
  • Just a quick email following the above and firstly to say well done and thanks for organising another great event.
  • ‘if I’d known it was this good, we’d have come sooner’
  • ‘fantastic ! We’re definitely bringing a second team next year’ ‘Its great to attend a BIG BB event like this - its good for the lads to a part of it’.