No Changes for 2024 (therefore 2022 rules are still active)
Rule Changes for 2022
The Upper Age for the Alley Comp, will be adjusted according to this sessions National Brigades changes for the Company Section. So the Alley being just Company Section Ages changes from School Yrs 7-10 to School Yrs 7-9
Rule Change for 2019
1. The Upper Age limit for the Main Championships is to be reduced to Top BB age of 18 (School Year 13)
The PDF below has been updated ASAP to reflect this change
Recent Rule Changes (to be aware of - if you took part in the past)
Rule Changes for 2022
The Upper Age for the Alley Comp, will be adjusted according to this sessions National Brigades changes for the Company Section. So the Alley being just Company Section Ages changes from School Yrs 7-10 to School Yrs 7-9
Rule Change for 2019
The Upper Age limit for the Main Championships is to be reduced to Top BB age of 18 (School Year 13)
Alley Upper Age, Now Company Section Ages Only: English School Years 7-9
The Alley is now a competition in its own right (and we removed the feature to get the top teams promoted to the Main Championship)
Wildcard option: Removed
Qualifying teams from Main Championship Knockout Stage increased to 8 per league
Companies with 2nd and 3rd teams
If all bowlers are English School Yrs 7, 8 & 9, then you will be given Option to enter your 2nd/3rd team into Main Championship (if so wish) Default will be the Alley.
6. Your 1st team will be automatically entered into the Main Championship (if any Bowler is School Yr 10+) i.e. a Senior
If any bowler is English School Yr 10, 11, 12 or 13 , then you will be required to enter that team into the Main Championship
7. For Companies entering ONE team only & ALL bowlers are English School Yrs 7-9 , you can enter that team in the Alley OR Main Championship. Your choice - Default will be the Alley.