We love hearing your suggestions , do you have any ideas to help make our competition even better ?

  • Please let us know via the Suggestions / Ideas form below

Just a few of the Ideas that have come from our Visiting Teams (or the WABB Battalion Staff) over the years (and some of the results/actions)

  • Changing the way that the event was scored (based on individual game wins rather than whole team wins - 1993)
  • Introduce an Officers/Leaders/Parents competition [1993]
  • Admitting Girls via Amicus Teams and later BBGA Teams (as both are part of BB)
    • Sadly no GB teams, as GB is outside of BB
  • Creating a Younger Competition [Hence the Alley was Created - 2006], to give the Younger members an opportunity to win something
  • Splitting the Officers competition, so that we have both a Ladies and a Mens Champion [2011]
  • Reducing age limit of Alley competition to make it CS Age group only [2012]
  • We did look at taking the event on tour, but it was decided that it would complicate logistics and that many companies enjoy their annual trip to Bedfordshire. We also have a good relationship with the Go Bowling alley that might not be achievable elsewhere and once we leave for a year, we might not be able to get that rapport back

Thats just a few things --> Whats your amazing idea !