BBBS Activities

Black history should be celebrated every month, but in honor of Black History Month, why not brush up on your Black History knowledge together?
Names: everyone has one! Spend some time chatting about the history of your name and how you feel about your own.
Get in the attitude for gratitude with your Little. Adapted from our friends at Big Brothers Big Sisters of Massachusetts Bay
Take turns talking through all of the things about you and your Little. Don't forget to screen share so they can see the final product, and print it when you're complete so you can have it close by. Be sure to download the activity for optimal viewing.
What's something on your desk that you would like to share with your Little? Adapted from our friends at Big Brothers Big Sisters Twin Cities
Strengths, Support, Sparks, and Struggles. Complete this document with your Little, and find out what things you have in common. Make sure to download the file so that it is fillable.
Talk through all of the emotions with your Little. Adapted from our friends at Big Brothers Big Sisters of Massachusetts Bay
Would you rather have 14 feet, or 8 hands? Play this classic game together, and be sure to explain your answers.