Would You Rather...


Take turns answering the 10 questions below. Be sure to explain your answers!


  1. Would you rather dance everywhere you went or always have to sing instead of speaking?

  2. Would you rather have very small feet or giant hands?

  3. Would you rather eat a fresh apple pie or a warm piece of coconut cake?

  4. Would you rather find 5,000 spiders in your bedroom or one lion?

  5. Would you rather get a pet pig or a pet chicken?

  6. Would you rather eat a bar of soap or drink liquid soap?

  7. Would you rather have a third arm or a third eye?

  8. Would you rather be 4ft 5inches or 7ft 7inches tall?

  9. Would you rather have the ability to read people’s mind or the ability to fly?

10. Would you rather live in Alaska or Hawaii?