Virtual Show & Tell

Virtual Show & Tell

Adapted from our friends at Big Brothers Big Sisters Twin Cities


Take turns setting a one-minute timer for each other to find something within arms reach that is meaningful to you. Each of you then has three minutes to share about the object you chose. Include information like where you got it, and why you keep it.


As a match, consider the question, What objects tell the story of your life?

Museums use objects to tell history or define culture, and we can use the same approach to tell our personal stories as well. Sharing personal stories can help us get closer to one another, inspire new connections, and allow us to identify interests and experiences we have in common.

Can you identify three to five objects that you would include in an exhibit or book about your life?

Please share, why did you select each of these particular objects? What feelings, images, or memories do they inspire?

If needed, draw any objects that are missing from your collection and share those drawings as well.