
In Versiegelt (the world of the Buriedbornes), people with different goals form organizations and cooperate with each other to live against the army of the dead.

It is up to you to decide which union, for what reasons, and in what kind of cooperation.

You can build trust, or you can simply use them to your advantage.

Joining a Union

Unions are a system that offers a variety of rewards.

A player can belong to a maximum of one Union at any time.

Joining a Union costs a Gold Shard the first time only.

Re-joining is free.

(For example, once you have joined all the Unions, you can move to any Union of your choice at any time.)

It is possible to play without belonging to any union, but we recommend that you belong to one of the unions.

Union Affiliation of Adventurers

Adventurers created by a player are treated as belonging to the union to which the player belonged when he/she was created.

Even if the union is changed after the adventurer is created, the created character's union will not be changed.

At the end of an adventure, only the tasks of the union to which the adventurer belongs can be completed.

During an adventure, you may encounter the leader of your union and receive quests.