Save data management

Please note

Since v1.0.8, data downloads from Saved Data Management require an interval of 30 minutes to be re-run.

Please wait until 30 minutes have elapsed once the download has been executed.

On the save data management screen, you can upload and download save data.


On the left side of the screen, use cloud saves for each platform (GooglePlayGames Saved Game, iCloud, Steam Cloud, etc.).

When you open the save data management screen from the title screen, download.

Upload data when you open the save data management screen from the world map.

Game Server

On the right side of the screen, we use the Nussygame game server.

When you open the save data management screen from the title screen, download.

Upload data when you open the save data management screen from the world map.

Currently, GameServer has a file size limit of 400KB, and this may prevent GameServer uploading in environments with a lot of character data.

In this case, please try uploading after reducing the capacity by finishing the adventures of the characters in your possession or by "Delete All" graveyard that have finished playing the decisive battlefield and have been reduced to only unneeded corpses.

We plan to prepare a game server save function with more capacity in a future update.

Backup code

A backup code is a code for restoring your account.

By issuing a code, you can move your account to another device.

When you open the save data management screen from the title screen, use the code (download data).

When you open the save data management screen from the world map, a code will be issued (data uploaded).

The backup code uses files uploaded to Game Server.

Before using the backup code, please make sure that the data is uploaded to Game Server in the same state as the local data.

In addition, the ability to migrate from other platforms to iOS is restricted by the AppStore Terms of Service.

Please contact us directly if you wish to change the device, etc.

Delete Account

Delete account data from the game server.

Once executed, it cannot be undone.

Please use with sufficient caution.

Multiple devices can have the same UserID, and in this case, save data can be exchanged between devices using the save data management of the Platform or Game Server.

Please check this out for details.