
(This feature will be available since v1.2.0.)

By using a culture tank, you can generate lab parts using 5 captured monsters. 

After setting the monster, the cultivation period will progress by adventuring in any dungeon, and when it reaches 100%, you will be able to obtain lab parts. 

You have 1 incubator by default, and you can purchase up to 10 at the Gold Shard Shop. (If you have more than one, you can advance in all culture tanks in parallel when you adventure) 

Once the culture is completed and you set the lab parts to any race x job, you can use the empty culture tank for the next culture.

Set 5 captured monsters to be used in the culture tank and select the part you want to generate. 

The higher the rarity of the monster set, the better lab parts will be generated. 

The better the lab parts, the longer the incubation period. 

The same lab parts will be generated for monsters with the same combination, but the generation results may change after a major update.

By adventuring in any dungeon, the incubation period will progress, and when it reaches 100%, you will be able to obtain lab parts.

After completing the incubation, you can select the race and job to which you want to apply the lab parts. 

You can also discard it if you don't need it. 

Please note that you cannot start new cultures in this culture tank until you apply or discard the parts.