Season pass

The season pass is a purchase item prepared to enjoy season events even more.

By purchasing the season pass, many season missions including repeat missions will be added, making it easier to earn season points.

Without the season pass, you can get 20,000 event points for clearing all missions (excluding recurring missions), but you can earn more points for missions added with the season pass.

The price is 2000 currently 1000 Gold Shards for each season.

Upcoming Season Passes

Starting with v3.0.0, the Season Pass has started on a trial basis.

Seasonal events in the past had some issues.

Clearing high-difficulty dungeons was essential in order to earn enough event points, and the threshold was high for beginners.

The method of earning points was monotonous and lacked variety.

Since it was a free content addition, it was not possible to allocate enough man-hours.

The Season Pass approaches these issues and allows players to participate in Seasonal events at their own pace/do it their own way.

In addition to adding missions, we plan to update each season event so that various contents can be used by purchasing the season pass.

Also, as mentioned above, if the number of season pass users increases, we will be able to enrich the content of season events, so please continue to support us in the future.