You can change your account display name. Used in the Whisper feature.
You can change how you appear to other players. Used in the Whisper feature.
It is possible to select from the "Syokugyo", "Mitame", and "Monster" registered in the picture book.
(Steam PC Only) Changes the screen to full screen with a borderless window.
You can also switch between them by pressing Alt + Enter while playing.
Ignore Auto Restore Save data
You can disable automatic restore of save data from platforms (GooglePlayGames/iCloud/SteamCloud).
For more information, see the Auto-Restore page.
You can set the volume of BGM/SE respectively.
You can change graphics settings in general.
"Beautiful" The screen is displayed beautifully, but the performance load increases.
"Fast" The performance load is reduced, but the screen becomes slightly rougher.
Screen brightness can be adjusted.
(Android/iOS only) You can set whether to send push notifications.
(Android/iOS only) You can set whether or not to vibrate the device during game play.
"Retreat" If checked, a confirmation dialog will be displayed when escaping.
"Battle icon" While adventuring, you can set whether to display icons for status changes (continuous damage, etc.) that pop up.
"Score" While adventuring, you can switch the score display at the top of the screen.
"Battle BGM" You can set whether to change the BGM when encountering non-boss monsters. If off, dungeon BGM will continue to play.
"Boss BGM" You can set whether to change the BGM when you encounter a boss monster. If off, dungeon BGM will continue to play.
Killed SFX
"Player" "Take" You can set whether you and the enemy monster will play the voice of death.
(Steam PC only) When enabled, you can close the window by right click or 2-fingers touch.
Speed up
If enabled, you can acceralate the battle speed by touching the game screen.
Always Acceralate (v3.9.11-)
If enabled, battle acceralation is always available.
Instead of it, you can slow down the battle by touching the game screen.
User ID/Password
Your account information is displayed.
You can change the display language setting.
After changing, you need to restart the game.
It shows the game version.
Download data
You can download the game data in advance.