Bailey Sheridan

Hello and welcome to my site! 

I'm Bailey and I'm a graduate from Trinity Christian College in Palos Heights, IL. I'm an Elementary Education Major and Special Education minor, with the goal of having my own inclusive classroom. I love to read, make crafty things and all things chocolate. I want to teach for a number of reasons: #1 is to help others. As a kid, learning to read was a struggle for me and so were other things in school. But because, I had good teachers I was able to learn anyway and become a better reader. I want to be that helpful person for my students. Also my mom, was an math interventionist for an elementary school and seeing her impact on students really inspired me to teach even more. I think it is important to "be a light in the darkness"  for the kids who need a little extra help learning, and that is my goal as an educator. 

Contact information: 



Education Program Learning Outcomes These learning outcomes embody both the foundational knowledge and professional competencies necessary for program students to serve in the education with humility and excellence. 

Trinity education program students will… 

1. Demonstrate content knowledge in their area of specialization 

2. Create and implement effective learning experiences based on assessment 

3. Exemplify professional responsibilities, attitudes, and behaviors

 4. Articulate how a Christian worldview relates to the field of education

 5. Engage in intellectual curiosity through scholarship and research