Improving services

Your feedback matters. 

In last year’s report we set out some changes we wanted to make based on your comments and complaints. 

Here’s how we got on:

Progress key

✅   Done

🔜   Halfway there

🔁   Ongoing

What we did in 2022-23

Repairs and maintenance

We have new processes and systems in place.

This was one of our most common complaints in 2022. We held a consultation where customers helped us to pick a new contractor. You also voted on the level of service you wanted. Unfortunately, the new contract didn’t start well, but we hope to have things back on track soon.

We’ve looked into this and felt we could improve our structure and processes. In summer 2023, we will launch a new management structure so we can better manage quality and timescales. We’ll also be working on improving your customer experience over the rest of the year.

Support with cost of living

When we consulted you on rents, you asked us to offer a safety net for people who come up against difficult, one-off circumstances. We set aside some funding and started to give this out to customers in 2023.

We brought in Amanda as our Customer Coach. She works with families closely to help them access support and stay in their homes.

Listening to you

We’re arranging welfare visits to anyone we haven’t heard from in 3+ years to check if they need any support. We also want to check if there is any reason that they can’t access our services. We’ve done 85 this year and aim to do 200 more visits next year in 2023-24.

Our teams have put more estate visits into their routine. We joined partners at lots of local events and hosted our own community day at The Springs in Wormley – it was good to see lots of people there! We’re planning another event in Holdbrook in August 2023.

We’ve brought in a new survey to see how you feel about the ways we deal with anti-social behaviour cases. It’s early days, but we plan to review our ant-social behaviour policy in 2023 using your feedback.

In 2022 we set up a Green Panel to give us advice on how we can make our homes more efficient while giving customers a great service. There’s a lot more to come, but a big thank you to all the members so far!

We increased our customer feedback network (called our “Customer Community”) to over 260 members. But our door is always open to more voices – contact us if you’re interested in being part of our sounding board.

Customer service

We made them more detailed and plan to get your feedback regularly on whether we’re meeting these standards. Our new standards are on our website.

You said that sometimes our letters could do with being clearer and more empathetic. So, we made new style guidelines and we’re in the middle of reviewing all our letters and leaflets. 

Now when we get an empty home, we bring it up to a higher standard – including carpets, a deep clean and redecorating. Next, we’re going to change how we communicate with new customers during the process. We’ll use our Customer Community to shape this project. 

Still to come…

We’re glad that despite the difficult year, most of our customers are feeling happy with our service. But we want to improve things for the 15% who didn’t feel as satisfied. 

Here are some of our plans:

*The Tenant Satisfaction Measures are set by the Regulator of Social Housing. They include 22 scores covering repairs, safety, listening, complaints and neighbourhoods. We’ll track our scores throughout this coming year (2023-24) and report back to you in our next annual review.