Save Data Manager

Save Data Manager allows you to save and restore the save status of your account.

Upload/Download Saves

Saved data can be uploaded to either the platform (GooglePlayGames/iCloud/SteamCloud) or the game server provided by Nussygame.

You can download the data by opening the save data manager screen from the title screen, and you can upload the data by opening the save data management screen after starting the game.

Delete All Data

Delete all saved data on the device.

Platform and game server data will be retained.

Delete Account

Delete the account on the game server.

Backup Code

Publishes a code to move the currently playing account to another device.

Transfer the issued code to the new device and enter the code when using the backup code.

Use of the backup code can only be performed on the Saved Data Manager screen opened from the title screen.

Please click here for details on how to use this function in each case.

Exclusion from Rankings

In order to ensure the fairness of the ranking, when downloading saved data, all play data held will be excluded from the ranking in the following cases: 

To avoid this, you will need to move the data using the following method.

  1. First, download the data to the destination device with the current saved data status. (At this time, the data on the destination device will be temporarily excluded from the ranking.)

Why do I need to exclude rankings?

Prior to v2.0, there was a rampant method of rollback save data to the state before the adventure and trying again and again until the expected item drop or battle result was confirmed.

This was a means of seriously undermining the fairness of the rankings, and we have put in place these restrictions to ensure that play data with an advantage by such means will not be published in the rankings.