Search Cond Item Filter

While filters using search condition are very useful, there is a risk of accidentally salvaging items you have acquired if you use them without understanding them well.

Please use it at your own risk with a full understanding of how to use it. Please note that we cannot be held responsible for any item loss due to misconfiguration that is not caused by app bugs.

This explanation is intended for use with v1.0.5 or later, which introduces the search condition item filter.


The priority of item processing using the item filter can basically be explained by this diagram.

Scope of application of search condition item filter

We recommend that you also thoroughly check the item filter after making any changes to the search conditions.

FAQ: " I would like to set up the auto-salvage of all items other than normal items that have been specified for auto-salvaged in the individual item  type settings."

Please import and use the following search condition:


FAQ: "Upon return, they will be automatically protected and sent to the warehouse, but they will not be automatically salvaged."

Go to “Utility Settings” in the Settings screen and enable “Salvage automatically when returning from the adventure”.