Digitization & Preservation

Digitization and Preservation of Language & Cultural Heritage

Sustainable Heritage Network: beginner-friendly tutorials for a variety of archiving and digitization processes including:

  • guides for working with photographs and images, film and video, audio recordings, artifacts and objects, books and documents
  • general processing
  • language documentation
  • digital stewardship curriculum

Native Language Preservation: A Reference Guide for Establishing Archives and Repositories: guide to establishing infrastructure for a Native language repository.

  • Includes information on copyright and managing human resources

Indigenous Languages: Zero to Digital: A step by step guide for indigenous communities, technologists, and other stakeholders to make languages accessible on computers and mobile devices

  • how to communicate digitally and online in your language (Unicode, fonts, etc.)
  • sharing knowledge and documents according to your own rules
  • use software and devices for language documentation, language transmission, and language use

Protocols for Native American Archival Materials: Professional best practices for culturally responsive care and use of American Indian archival material held by non-tribal organizations

  • the importance of consultation with and concurrence of tribal communities in decisions and policies
  • the need to recognize and provide special treatment for culturally sensitive materials
  • rethinking public accessibility and use of some materials
  • the role of intellectual and cultural property rights
  • the need to consider copying, sharing, and/or repatriation of certain materials
  • the recognition of community-based research protocols and contracts
  • reciprocal education and training
  • raising awareness of these issues within the profession

Digital Preservation Handbook: Practical guide to managing digital resources created by the Digital Preservation Coalition. Includes extensive discussion and resources related to:

"Technology, Internet Access, and Language Revitalization in Chickasaw Nation.": A conversation about the imperative for digital equity in language revitalization work.