Library Services Digital Inclusion Statement

Library Services Digital Inclusion Statement

Digital Inclusion

The Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records (L.A.P.R.) defines digital inclusion as the ability of individuals and groups to access and use Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs). Digital inclusion includes access to affordable, robust internet service, the availability of hardware and software, digital literacy skills, quality technical support, and relevant content and services. Each of these components is integral to a library’s capacity for providing digital services and equitable access to information for all Arizonans.

Why is digital inclusion important to library services?

Digital inclusion underpins each of the State Library’s goals of Information Access, Informal Education, Inclusive Communities and Institutional Improvements (Arizona LSTA 2018-2022 5-Year Plan) because:

  • Robust broadband and the availability of internet-enabled devices are integral to improving the quality of and access to library and information services
  • Digital skills are a prerequisite to accessing and using online information for formal and informal education, entertainment, workforce development, and civic engagement
  • The current and emerging library workforce must have an understanding of broadband and digital technologies in order to advance the delivery of library services
  • Targeting impacted communities requires identifying and eliminating digital inclusion barriers such as availability and affordability of home and public Internet access, and perceived lack of relevance

Our Commitment - Library Services and Consulting

The mission of the Library Development branch of L.A.P.R. is to empower Arizona libraries to offer excellent customer service through consulting, grant funding, resources, and training. We will continue to empower Arizona libraries to increase their capacity for digital inclusion by:

  • Offering subgrants to public, tribal, school, special, and academic libraries to support digital equity initiatives
  • Providing training and continuing education opportunities to Arizona library staff about digital equity, measuring library broadband networks, broadband adoption, digital and media literacy, emerging technologies, and digital services
  • Collecting and making available data for Arizona libraries and other broadband stakeholders
  • Identifying and removing institutional barriers which perpetuate the digital divide and internet inequality
  • Supporting and collaborating with libraries and partners to provide programming which targets services to impacted communities