Dr. Bahar Tunçgenç

Research Interests:

My research explores how people form social bonds with each other. I am particularly interested in the roles of non-verbal communication and action copying. From the first days of life onwards, infants copy the sounds and actions of their caregivers, which helps form stronger social bonds and learn social behaviours. I am interested in whether autistic people copy others less frequently and precisely, and, crucially, what this means for their interactions and social behaviours.

For more details about my general research interest (not necessarily autism-related): https://www.nottingham.ac.uk/psychology/people/bahar.tuncgenc

For a full list of my publications, please visit: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=OlwMIvoAAAAJ&hl=en

Latest Research:

In my previous autism work, I worked with computer scientists to develop a method we called CAMI (Computerised Assessment of Motor Imitation). For more details on this work, please check out our Current Projects > Imitation page.