Neuroinclusive Workplaces

This project aims to transform workplace practices to make them inclusive for neurodivergent individuals. We will do this by co-producing solutions with autistic partners and local employers. 


It is well known that teams which consist of people having different skills and ways of thinking are the most effective. Despite having many strengths in attention to details, problem solving, and creativity, autistic individuals are the least likely to be employed of all disabled people. 


With our partner Autistic Nottingham, we aim to create resources to support employers to review how they employ and accommodate autistic people. This will be done by creating a partnership of academics, local employers, and local autism charities to review current resources available about supporting autistic individuals in the workplace. We will pilot a new method for generating bespoke guidance to employers that will help them to embed neuroinclusive practice into their workplace. 



Project Partners: 

How to Get involved: 

If you are an employer or autistic adult who is searching for work, please contact us for opportunities to be involved in this research project.  


Get in Contact: 

If you have any questions about this project, please get in contact with Sophie Phillips ( 


This project is funded by Research England Participatory Research Fund.