
Get behind the scenes thoughts about Caminos' projects/events throughout the year. Topics varying from personal experiences to reviews to discussions of mental health. Happy reading!

The "What is Your Austin?" Project was imagined and executed by the Caminantes of the Caminos Class of '23. Over multiple months in the second half of their internship, they scouted locations, photographed them, wrote articles about them, and built a sculpture with a key. The sculpture is a multi media collage on a 36" x 60" sheet of plywood. Read on for images of the sculpture, a key listing the locations featured on the map, and the articles the Caminantes wrote to go along with a select few.

emma the axolotl comic

The Caminos Axolotl Comic is an ongoing comic series started and produced by the Caminantes of '23. Issues are posted to the Caminos Instagram @atxcaminos in scroll form, and will be uploaded here in carousel form from most recent to oldest. The buttons below the comics here will lead to the exact post. 

Happy Reading!

la mujer: a tribute to women

This mural was designed and created tile by tile to depict strong Latina leaders; mujeres that have inspired our teens to reach their greatest potential by the Caminos Class of 2018. The mural was unveiled in the trails behind the ESB-MACC in the Spring of 2023.

Within is an Archive of some of the zines Caminantes have created throughout the years. Zines are short publication often made by hand. It has been a tradition for the Caminantes to create at least one every year. 

Happy Reading!