8/24-25 field trip registration

8/24-25 Optional Tour after the conference

Registration before Aug 15th

2019 Aug 24th, 2019 Saturday (5th Day)

7:30 Bus pick up at the hotel lobby

9:00-13:00 High-speed rail to Qufu(G232 09:12—12:47)

13:00-14:00 Lunch

14:00-18:00 Confucius Cultural Park

18:00-19:30 Dinner

21:00 Check in the hotel in Qufu

2019 Aug 26th, 2019 Sunday (6th Day)

8:00 Bus pick up at the hotel lobby

9:00-15:00 Tashan (Lunch on Tashan)

15:00-18:00 Return to Qingdao


1. Tour pick up at hotel lobby at 07:30, please DON’T late for the great tour/ 07:30在酒店大堂集合,请不要遲到

2. The big luggage can keep in the hotel/大行李可以留在酒店。

3. Mt. Taishan climbing need about 4 hours for 7,000 trail stairs to go up and take the cable car down. You can optionally take the cable car up and down to easily enjoy the scenery. /泰山攀登需要大约4个小时才能登上7,000階步道,并乘坐缆车下山。 您可以选择搭乘缆车上下山,轻松欣赏美麗风景。

4. The total cost includes transportation, accommodation, and meals totaling 1,500 RMB or 230 USD. Please register and pay the fee at the venue/全程費用含交通、住宿、餐食共1,500人民幣或230美金。請在會場註冊繳清費用。

2019 AMEA conference field trip 20190731.pdf