Avoid Accidents in the Workplace!

My very first painting set and first foray into changing English signs to Simlish. My sim Artyom demonstrates exactly what not to do in the workplace: do not run while evil!

The frames are CASTable. Can be found in Decor -> Wall Art for 80 simoleons.

Download: SFS

TOU: please don't reupload these or link back to them with a paywall - my content is meant to be free for everyone. You can modify anything here for personal use however you'd like; if you feel like making your creations from mine available for the public, I'd appreciate it if you could please link back to this site.

Please note: Should Simfileshare become cranky with its links, replace the "simfileshare.net/download/" part with "simfil.es/" Leave the string of numbers be.