PPS, General Asian Textiles Tapestries

PPS stands for "Personal Painting Set", because for awhile I was making my own paintings to go any which where I chose, because why not? This particular set is just too big to justify keeping to myself though, and I'm sure someone out there would make much better use of it than I ever could. There are two files, each with over twenty images of patterns on actual fabric, primarily Asian in theme. They range in color, intricacy, and primary theme, and they're just gorgeous on the walls.

This is found in Decor -> Wall Art for 300 simoleons; the spools the tapestries are attached to and the little bit of wood at the very bottom are CAStable. This object was cloned from the Longevity Wall Hanging from the TS3 Store, but does not require the original object to function. In addition, both sets can exist in the same game.

Download (SFS):

TOU: please don't reupload these or link back to them with a paywall - my content is meant to be free for everyone. You can modify anything here for personal use however you'd like; if you feel like making your creations from mine available for the public, I'd appreciate it if you could please link back to this site.

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