Geographic Frequencies in Subclusters of the Ten Largest Ashkenazi Clusters

This page provides a more detailed analysis of the geographic distribution of the men in the sample set with a reported ancestral country from each of the 10 Y-DNA clusters that include at least 50 men in the sample set who have done Big Y testing (in alphabetical order, E-Y14891, E-Y6940, G-BY764, J1-L816, J1-S12192, J2-L556, J2-Z30390, J2-FT69390, Q-Y2198, and R1a-Y2619).

This page posts, for each of these clusters in alphabetical order:  (1) a table showing the geographic distribution of each cluster and each branch immediately downstream from that cluster (referred to on this page as a subcluster); and (2) a table showing the geographic distribution of each subcluster and of each branch immediately downstream from that subcluster (referred to on this page as a branch). For each branch including results for more than 50 men as of August 2023, this page includes a table showing the geographic distribution of that branch and of each branch immediately downstream from that branch (referred to on this page as a sub-branch). (The terms cluster, subcluster, branch, and sub-branch are used in this manner for analytical convenience; they do not have a fixed meaning.)

Each table includes the following information: (1) rows that list each country that has been identified as an ancestral country by at least one man in the cluster, subcluster, or branch; (2) column headings that name the cluster, subcluster, branch, or sub-branch and include the estimated birth date of the most recent common ancestor of that cluster, subcluster, branch, or sub-branch as reported in August 2023 by Family Tree DNA's Discovery Tool; and (3) columns that identify the percentage and number of men within each cluster, subcluster, branch, or sub-branch who have identified each country as an ancestral country (presented in the format percentage of men (total number of men)). 

The tables on this page (with the exception of those for R1a-Y2619) are based upon the self-reported geographic information that is posted for each cluster, subcluster, branch, or sub-branch on its Country Frequency page on Family Tree DNA's Discovery Tool. The information posted on the tables for (1) clusters and their subclusters and (2) subclusters and their branches was compiled on August 20, 2023. The information posted on the tables for branches and their sub-branches was compiled on August 26, 2023. The information concerning the geographic distribution of R1a-Y2619 and its subclusters, branches, and sub-branches was compiled using information compiled for use on and reflects information for R1a-Y2619 men who had received Big Y results as of July 22, 2023.

The page posts the following tables, in the following order:

       a. E-BY20366 Subcluster of E-Y14891 Cluster and Its Branches E-BY203365 and E-FGC71948

       b. E-Y16781 Subcluster of E-Y14891 Cluster and Its Branches E-Y17226 and E-BY45238

              i. E-Y17226 Branch of E-Y16781 Branch of E-Y14891 Cluster and Its Sub-Branches E-Y17727, 

                 E-BY192463, and E-Y140463

       a.  E-B405 Subcluster of E-Y6940 Cluster and Its Branches E-A14039, E-Z36136, and E-Y125210

       b.  E-FT36547 Subcluster of E-Y6940 Cluster and Its Branches E-FT366366 and E-FT405014

       c.  E-Y179930 Subcluster of E-Y6940 Cluster and Its Branches E-BY36962, E-A10728, E-Y15561, 

            E-BY141576, E-FT17034, and E-FT425822

              i.  E-BY36962 Branch of E-Y179930 Subcluster of E-Y6940 Cluster and Its Sub-Branches E-Y15936 and


       a.  G-FGC35913 Subcluster of G-BY764 Cluster and Its Branches G-FGC35913, G-FGC35915, G-BY37058,

            G-BY147680, G-Y16169, and G-Y153685

       b.   G-FGC32413 Subcluster of G-BY764 Cluster and Its Branches G-FGC32409 and G-Y50032

       c.   G-Z44684 Subcluster of G-BY764 Cluster and Its Branches G-FTC8730 and G-Y257571

       d.  G-FT7446 Subcluster of G-BY764 Cluster and Its Branches G-FT9965, G-FTB46621, and G-FTC82799

       a.  J1-ZS11491 Subcluster of J1-L816 Cluster and Its Branch J1-ZS11488

       b.  J1-ZS2728 Subcluster of J1-L816 Cluster and Its Branches J1-ZS2736, J1-S4944, J1-ZS2752, 

             J1-ZS12186, and J1-BY176603 

             i.  J1-ZS2736 Branch of J1-ZS2728 Subcluster of J1-L816 Cluster and Its Sub-Branches J-BY80, 

                 J-ZS12015, and J-FT261433

       a.  J1-ZS2375 Subcluster of J1-S19192 Cluster and Its Branches J1-ZS2374 and J1-BY32850

             i.  J1-ZS2374 Branch of J1-ZS2375 Subcluster of J1-S19192 Cluster and Its Sub-Branches J1-Y113483, 

                 J1-BY65054, J1-FT2609, and J1-FTC78291

       b.  J1-BY68 Subcluster of J1-S19192 Cluster and Its Branches J1-FGC9941 and J1-ZS2366

            i.  J1-FGC9941 Branch of J1-BY68 Subcluster of J1-S19192 Cluster and Its Sub-Branches J1-ZS2361, 

                J1-ZS9495, J1-ZS10441, J1-BY264, J1-Y93388, J1-FT213295, J1-FT140288, J1-FT210558, 

                J1-FT120613, and J1-FT74097

      c.  J1-ZS4108 Subcluster of J1-S19192 Cluster

       a.  J2-PF2462 Subcluster of J2-L556 Cluster (no branches)

       b.  J2-Y11782 Subcluster of J2-L556 Cluster and Its Branches J2-Y13373 and J2-Y22280

       c.  J2-Y9005 Subcluster of J2-L556 Cluster and Its Branches J2-Y106982 and J2-FGC77890

             i.  J2-FGC77890 Branch of J2-Y9005 Subcluster of J2-L556 Cluster and Its Sub-Branches 

  J2-Y13511, J2-FGC60715, and J2-FTB83330

       a.  J2-Y15234 Subcluster of J2-Z30390 Cluster and Its Branches J2-Y15241, J2-Y24492, J2-Y109031, 

            J2-BY194993, and J2-FT278724

       a.  J2-FGC30681 Subcluster of J2-FT69390 Cluster and Its Branches J2-BY189731 and J2-FT243711

       b.  J2-FT21111 Subcluster of J2-FT69390 Cluster and Its Branches J2-FT19636 and J2-FT155828

       c.  J2-FGC4962 Subcluster of J2-FT69390 Cluster and Its Branches J2-FGC4977 and J2-FT249728

       a.  Q-Y2754 Subcluster of Q-Y2198 Cluster and Its Branches Q-FGC1898, Q-BZ37, Q-FT114270, 

            Q-FT264054, Q-FT59001, Q-Y232457, and Q-PH2513

       b.  Q-YP1004 Subcluster of Q-Y2198 Cluster and Its Branches Q-BZ40 and Q-FT186814

       c.  Q-BZ25 Subcluster of Q-Y2198 Cluster and Its Branch Q-Y3026

       d.  Q-FT47790 Branch of Q-Y2198 Cluster (no branches)

       a.  R1a-Y2630 Subcluster of R1a-Y2619 Cluster and Its Branches R1a-FGC10632, R1a-BY29728, 

             and R1a-BY24982

             i.  R1a-FGC10632 Branch of R1a-Y2630 Subcluster of R1a-Y2619 Cluster and its Sub-Branches R1a-

                 FTA6349, R1a-FTA6346, R1a-FTA6347, and R1a-FT131801

           ii.  R1a-BY29728 Branch of R1a-Y2630 Subcluster of R1a-Y2619 Cluster and Its Sub-Branches 

                 R1a-YP4671 and R1a-YP1386

       b.  R1a-FGC18222 Subcluster of R1a-Y2619 Cluster and Its Branches R1a-FGC18222, R1a-FGC18226,

             and R1a-YP1074

             i.  R1a-FGC18226 Branch of R1a-FGC18222 Subcluster of R1a-Y2619 Cluster and its Sub-Branches

                 R1a-FGC18218, R1a-BY24995, R1a-YP5480, and R1a-BY24993

       c.  R1a-BY29826 Subcluster of R1a-Y2619 Cluster and Its Subclusters R1a-BY36575, R1a-FGC74789, 

             and R1a-FT94463

       d.  R1a-FTA51568 Subcluster of R1a-Y2619 Cluster and Its Branches R1a-BY73299 and R1a-FTA31412

Geographic Distribution of E-Y14891 and Its Subclusters E-BY20366 and E-Y16781

E-Y14891 and Its Subclusters E-BY20366 and E-Y16781

E-Y14891 E-BY20366 E-Y16781

   (750 CE) (1150 CE) (900 CE)

Australia   0.73% (1)     3.57% (1)   --

Austria   2.19% (3)     3.57% (1)   1.89% (2)

Belarus         10.22% (14)   14.29% (4)   9.43% (10)

Canada   1.46% (2)     7.14% (2)   --

Czech Republic   2.92% (4)   --       3.77% (4)

England   0.73% (1)   --   0.94% (1)

France   0.73% (1)       3.57% (1)   --

Germany 13.14% (18)     14.29% (4) 13.21% (14)

Hungary   3.65% (5)       3.57% (1)   3.77% (4)

Iraq   0.73% (1)     --   0.94% (1)

Israel   0.73% (1)     --   0.94% (1)

Italy   0.73% (1)     --   0.94% (1)

Latvia   1.46% (2)         3.57% (1)   0.94% (1)

Lithuania 10.22% (14)     10.71% (3)   9.43% (10)

Morocco   0.73% (1)     --   0.94% (1)

Netherlands   1.46% (2) 3.57% (1)   0.94% (1)

Poland 16.06% (22)       10.71% (3) 16.98% (18)

Romania   0.73% (1)     --   0.94% (1)

Russian Fed'n   7.30% (10)     --   9.43% (10)

Slovakia   3.65% (5)     --   4.72% (5)

Ukraine 19.71% (27)       21.43% (6) 18.87% (20)

Venezuela   0.73% (1)     --   0.94% (1)

Total (excl. Unknown)  137   28     106

Unknown       49       8       40

Total   186   36     146

E-BY20366 Subcluster of E-Y14891 Cluster and Its Branches E-BY203365 and E-FGC71948

E-BY20366 E-BY20365 E-FGC71948

  (1150 CE) (1200 CE)   (1250 CE)

Australia   3.57% (1) -- 16.67% (1)

Austria   3.57% (1)     4.55% (1) --

Belarus 14.29% (4) 18.18% (4) --

Canada   7.14% (2)   9.09% (2) --

France   3.57% (1)   4.55% (1) --

Germany 14.29% (4) 18.18% (4) --

Hungary   3.57% (1)   4.55% (1) --

Latvia   3.57% (1)   4.55% (1) --

Lithuania 10.71% (3)   9.09% (2) 16.67% (1)

Netherlands   3.57% (1)   4.55% (1) --

Poland 10.71% (3)   4.55% (1) 33.33% (4)

Ukraine 21.43% (6) 18.18% (4) 33.33% (2)

Total (excl. Unknown) 28 22   6

Unknown   8   6   2

Total 36 28   8

E-Y16781 Subcluster of E-Y14891 Branch and Its Sub-Branches E-Y17226 and E-BY45238

E-Y16781 E-Y17226 E-BY45238

  (900 CE) (1000 CE)   (1300 CE)

Austria   1.89% (2)     1.49% (2)     --

Belarus   9.43% (10)     7.46% (10)     --

Czech Republic   3.77% (4)     2.99% (4)     --

England   0.94% (1)     0.75% (1)     --

Germany 13.21% (14)     5.97% (8)   50.00% (2)

Hungary   3.77% (4)     2.24% (3)   25.00% (1)

Iraq   0.94% (1)     0.75% (1)     --

Israel   0.94% (1)     0.75% (1)     --

Italy   0.94% (1)     0.75% (1)     --

Latvia   0.94% (1)     0.75% (1)     --

Lithuania   9.43% (10)     7.46% (10)     --

Morocco   0.94% (1)     0.75% (1)     --

Netherlands   0.94% (1)     0.75% (1)     --

Poland 16.98% (18)   12.69% (17)   25.00% (1)

Romania   0.94% (1)     0.75% (1)     --

Russian Fed'n     9.43% (10)     7.46% (10)     --

Slovakia   4.72% (5)     3.73% (5)     --

Ukraine 18.87% (20)   14.93% (20)     --

Venezuela   0.94% (1)     0.75% (1)     --

Total (excl. Unknown)  106   98     4

Unknown       40   36     2

Total   146       134     6

E-Y17226 Branch of E-Y16781 Subcluster of E-Y14891 Cluster and Its Sub-Branches E-Y17727, E-BY192463, and E-Y140463

E-Y17226       E-Y17727     E-BY192463 E-Y140463

      (1000 CE)   (1100 CE)     (1400 CE)       (1100 CE)

Austria 1.49% (2) 2.30% (2) -- --

Belarus 7.46% (10) 9.20% (8) -- 18.18% (2)

Czech Republic 2.99% (4) 4.60% (4) -- --

England 0.75% (1) 1.15% (1) -- --

Germany 5.97% (8) 9.20% (8) -- --

Hungary 2.24% (3) 3.45% (3) -- --

Iraq 0.75% (1) 1.15% (1) -- --

Israel 0.75% (1) 1.15% (1) -- --

Italy 0.75% (1) 1.15% (1) -- --

Latvia 0.75% (1) 1.15% (1) -- --

Lithuania 7.46% (10)     10.34% (9) --       9.09% (1)

Morocco 0.75% (1) 1.15% (1) -- --

Netherlands 0.75% (1) 1.15% (1) -- --

Poland     12.69% (17)     16.09% (14) --   27.27% (3)

Romania 0.75% (1)     -- 50.00% (1) --

Russian Fed'n 7.46% (10)     10.34% (9) 50.00% (1) --

Slovakia 3.73% (5) 5.75% (5) -- --

Ukraine     14.93% (20)     20.69% (18) --     9.09% (1)

Venezuela 0.75% (1)     -- --     9.09% (1)

Total (excl. Unknown) 98     87 2   8

Unknown 36     33 --   3

Total     134 120 2 11

Geographic Distribution of E-Y6940 and Its Subclusters

E-Y6940 and Its Subclusters E-B405, E-FT36547, and E-Y179930

E-Y6940 E-B405 E-FT36547 E-Y179930

      (600 CE)     (700 CE)       (1350 CE) (800 CE)

Austria 2.38% (3) --   --     3.00% (3)

Belarus     12.70% (16)   13.64% (3)   25.00% (1)   12.00% (12)

Czech Republic 0.79% (1)     4.55% (1)   --   --

Germany 3.97% (5)   --       25.00% (1)     4.00% (4)

Hungary 3.97% (5)     4.55% (1)   --     4.00% (4)

Israel 0.79% (1)   --   --     1.00% (1)

Latvia 1.59% (2)   --   --     2.00% (2)

Lithuania     19.84% (25)   --     25.00% (1)   24.00% (24)

Poland     20.63% (26)   31.82% (7)   --   19.00% (19)

Romania 2.38% (3)       4.55% (1)   --     2.00% (2)

Russian Fed'n 7.14% (9)   --   --     9.00% (9)

Slovakia 1.59% (2)   --   --     2.00% (2)

South Africa 0.79% (1)     4.55% (1)   --   --

Sweden 0.79% (1)   --     --     1.00% (1)

Ukraine     19.05% (24)   36.36% (8) 25.00% (1)  15.00% (15)

United States 1.59% (2)   --   --     2.00% (2)

Total (excl. Unknown)  126   22   4 100

Unknown       62   7   2   53

Total   188 29   6 153

E-B405 Subcluster of E-Y6940 Cluster and Its Branches E-A14039, E-Z36136, and E-Y125210

E-B405 E-A14039 E-Z36136 E-Y125210

    (700 CE)       (950 CE)       (850 CE)     (1450 CE)

Belarus     13.64% (3)   -- 20.00% (2) 25.00% (1)

Czech Republic 4.55% (1)     16.67% (1) -- --

Hungary 4.55% (1)   -- 10.00% (1) --

Poland     31.82% (7)   33.33% (2) 10.00% (1) 75.00% (3)

Romania 4.55% (1)   -- -- --

South Africa 4.55% (1)   16.67% (1) -- --

Ukraine     36.36% (8)   33.33% (2) 60.00% (6) --

Total (excl. Unknown) 22   6 10 4

Unknown   7   4   1 1

Total 29 10 11 2

E-FT36547 Subcluster of E-Y6940 Cluster and Its Branches E-FT366366 and E-FT405014

E-FT365646 E-FT366366 E-FT405014

         (1350 CE) (1500 CE) (1700 CE)

Belarus 25.00% (1)   50.00% (1)     50.00% (1)

Germany 25.00% (1) --   --

Lithuania 25.00% (1)   50.00% (1)   --

Ukraine 25.00% (1) --     50.00% (1)

Total (excl. Unknown) 4 2   2

Unknown 2 2   --

Total 6 4   2

E-Y179930 Subcluster of E-Y6940 Cluster and Its Branches E-BY36962, E-A10728, E-Y15561, E-BY141576, E-FT17034, and E-FT425822

E-Y179930 E-BY36962 E-A10728 E-Y15561 E-BY141576 E-FT17034 E-FT425822

(800 CE) (1050 CE)       (1400 CE) (900 CE) (1400 CE) (1050 CE) (1200 CE)

Austria 3.00% (3) --     40.00% (2)   4.55% (1)   --   --   --

Belarus     12.00% (12) 10.20% (5)     20.00% (1)       13.64% (3)   -- 11.76% (2)   50.00% (1)

Germany 4.00% (4)   4.08% (2)   --   4.55% (1)   --   --   50.00% (1)

Hungary 4.00%(4)   2.04% (1)   --   9.09% (2)   20.00% (1)   --   --

Israel 1.00% (1)   2.04% (1)   -- --   --   --   --

Latvia 2.00% (2)   4.08% (2)   -- --   --   --   --

Lithuania     24.00% (24)       30.61% (15)   --     22.73% (5)   --   23.53% (4)   --

Poland     19.00% (19)       12.24% (6)     40.00% (2)     13.64% (3)   40.00% (2)   35.29% (6)   --

Romania 2.00% (2) --   --     9.09% (2)   --   --   --

Russian Fed'n 9.00% (9)       12.24% (6)   -- 4.55% (1)   20.00% (1)       5.88% (1)   --

Slovakia 2.00% (2) --   -- 9.09% (2)   --   --   --

Sweden 1.00% (1) 2.04% (1)   -- --   --   --   --

Ukraine     15.00% (15)      18.37% (9)   -- 9.09% (2)   20.00% (1)     17.65% (3)   --

United States 2.00% (2) 2.04% (1)   -- --   -- 5.88% (1)   --

Total (excl. Unknown) 100 49   5 22   5 17   2

Unknown     53 20         -- 12   3 16   1

Total 153 69 5 34   8 33   3

E-BY36962 Branch of E-Y179930 Subcluster of E-Y6940 Cluster and Its Sub-Branches E-Y15936 and E-FT13434

E-BY36962 E-Y15936  E-FT13434

    (1050 CE) (1200 CE)   (1300 CE)

Belarus 10.20% (5) 12.82% (5)   --

Germany   4.08% (2)   5.13% (2)   --

Hungary   2.04% (1)   2.56% (1)   --

Israel   2.04% (1)   2.56% (1)   --

Latvia   4.08% (2)   5.13% (2)   --

Lithuania 30.61% (15) 28.21% (11)   40.00% (4)

Poland 12.24% (6) 10.26% (4)   20.00% (2)

Russian Fed'n 12.24% (6) 12.82% (5)   10.00% (1)

Sweden   2.04% (1)   2.56% (1)   --

Ukraine 18.37% (9) 15.38% (6)   30.00% (3)

United States   2.04% (1)   2.56% (1)   --

Total (excl. Unknown) 49 39 10

Unknown 20 16   4

Total 69 55         14

Geographic Distribution of G-BY764 and Its Subclusters

G-BY764 and Its Subclusters G-FGC35913, G-FGC32413, G-Z44684, and G-FT7446

G-BY764   G-FGC35913 G-FGC32413     G-Z44684   G-FT7446

    (800 CE)     (950 CE)             (900 CE)     (1250 CE)     (800 CE)

Austria 3.85% (3) 4.76% (1)     5.88% (2)     --       --

Belarus 3.85% (3)     --     5.88% (2) 16.67% (1)     --

Czech Republic 2.85% (2) 4.76% (1)   --     --     --

England 3.85% (3)     --     2.94% (1) 16.67% (1)     --

Germany     11.85% (11) 9.52% (2)   17.65% (6)     --     22.22% (2)

Israel 1.85% (1)     --     2.94% (1)     --     --

Italy 1.85% (1)     --   --     --   11.11% (1)

Latvia 2.85% (2)     --     2.94% (1)     --   11.11% (1)

Lithuania 7.85% (7)     23.81% (5)     2.94% (1) 16.67% (1)   --

Moldova 1.85% (1)     --     2.94% (1)     --   --

Netherlands 1.85% (1)     --   --     --   --

Poland     16.85% (16) 9.52% (2)   29.41% (10) 16.67% (1)    33.33% (3)

Romania 3.85% (3) 9.52% (2)         --     --     11.11% (1)

Russian Fed'n 3.85% (3)     --     5.87% (2)     --   --

Slovakia 2.85% (2) 4.76% (1)   --   --     11.11% (1)

Ukraine     16.85% (16) 33.33% (7) 14.71% (5) 16.67% (1)   --

United States 2.85% (2)     --   5.88% (2)   --   --

Wales 1.85% (1)     --   -- 16.67% (1)   --

Total (excl. Unknown) 78   21 34 6   9

Unknown 82   18 18 3   9

Total     160   39 52 9 18

G-FGC35913 Subcluster of G-BY764 Cluster and Its Branches G-FGC35913, G-FGC35915, G-BY37058, G-BY147680, G-Y16169, and G-Y153685

G-FGC35913 G-FGC35915 G-BY37058 G-BY147680   G-Y16169 G-Y153685

  (950 CE)   (1500 CE) (1300 CE)   (1400 CE) (1000 CE) (1000 CE)

Austria   4.76% (1)   -- 12.50% (1)   -- -- --

Czech Republic   4.76% (1)   -- 12.50% (1)   -- -- --

Germany   9.52% (2)   --     -- 100.00% (1) -- --

Lithuania 23.81% (5)   66.67% (4) 12.50% (1)   -- -- --

Poland   9.52% (2)   -- 25.00% (2)   -- -- --

Romania   9.52% (2)   --     --   --   40.00% (2) --

Slovakia   4.76% (1)   -- 12.50% (1)   -- -- --

Ukraine 33.33% (7)   33.33% (2) 25.00% (2)   --   60.00% (3) --

Total (excl. Unknown) 21 6 8   1 5 --

Unknown 18 2 5   2 8 1

Total 39 8     13   3     13 1

G-FGC32413 Subcluster of G-BY764 Cluster and Its Branches G-FGC32409 and G-Y50032

G-FGC32413 G-FGC32409 G-Y50032

    (900 CE)     (1050 CE)   (1100 CE)

Austria   5.88% (2) 4.76% (1)   10.00% (1)

Belarus   5.88% (2) 4.76% (1)   10.00% (1)

England   2.94% (1) 4.76% (1) --

Germany 17.65% (6)     19.05% (4)   20.00% (2)

Israel   2.94% (1) 4.76% (1) --

Latvia   2.94% (1) 4.76% (1) --

Lithuania   2.94% (1)   --   10.00% (4)

Moldova   2.94% (1)   -- --

Poland 29.41% (10)     23.81% (5)   40.00% (1)

Russian Fed'n   5.87% (2) 4.76% (1) --

Ukraine 14.71% (5)     19.05% (4)   10.00% (1)

United States   5.88% (2) 9.52% (2) --

Total (excl. Unknown) 34     21       10

Unknown 18     11 6

Total 52     32       16

G-Z44684 Subcluster of G-BY764 Cluster and Its Branches G-FTC8730 and G-Y257571

G-Z44684 G-FTC8730   G-Y257571

(1250 CE) (1400 CE)   (1300 CE)

Belarus 16.67% (1) -- 100.00% (1)

England 16.67% (1)   20.00% (1) --

Lithuania 16.67% (1)   20.00% (1) --

Poland 16.67% (1)   20.00% (1) --

Ukraine 16.67% (1)   20.00% (1) --

Wales 16.67% (1)   20.00% (1) --

Total (excl. Unknown) 6 5 1

Unknown 3 1 2

Total 9 6 3

G-FT7446 Subcluster of G-BY764 Cluster and Its Branches G-FT9965, G-FTB46621, and G-FTC82799

G-FT7446   G-FT9965 G-FTB46621       G-FTC82799

    (800 CE)   (1200 CE)     (950 CE)   (950 CE)

Germany   22.22% (2)   50.00% (1)   -- 20.00% (1)

Italy   11.11% (1) --   -- 20.00% (1)

Latvia   11.11% (1) --   50.00% (1) --

Poland   33.33% (3)   50.00% (1)   -- 40.00% (3)

Romania   11.11% (1) --   -- 20.00% (5)

Slovakia   11.11% (1) --   50.00% (1) --

Total (excl. Unknown)   9 2   2   5

Unknown   9 3   1   5

Total 18 5   3 10

Geographic Distribution ofJ1-L816 and Its Subclusters

J1-L816 and Its Subclusters J1-ZS2728 and J1-ZS11491

J1-L816   J1-ZS2728 J1-ZS11491

(750 CE)   (850 CE)     (850 CE)

Austria 2.86% (3)       2.82% (2)     --

Belarus 8.57% (9)       7.04% (5)     --

Czech Republic 5.71% (6)       4.23% (3)     --

England 1.90% (2)       1.41% (1)     --

Finland 0.95% (1)       1.41% (1)     --

France 0.95% (1)   --     --

Germany 7.62% (8)       9.86% (7) 9.09% (1)

Greece 0.95% (1)       1.41% (1)     --

Hungary 2.86% (3)       1.41% (1)     --

Latvia 2.86% (3)       1.41% (1)     --

Lithuania 4.76% (5)       2.82% (2)     --

Mexico 5.71% (6)   --     54.55% (6)

Netherlands 0.95% (1)       1.41% (1)     --

Palestinian Territory 0.95% (1)       1.41% (1)     --

Poland     20.95% (22)    21.13% (15) 9.09% (1)

Romania 2.86% (3) 2.82% (2)     --

Russian Fed'n 1.90% (2) 1.41% (1)     --

Slovakia 4.76% (5) 7.04% (5)     --

Spain 2.86% (3) 1.41% (1)     18.18% (2)

Ukraine     16.19% (17)     15.49% (11)     --

United States 2.86% (3) 2.82% (2) 9.09% (1)

Total (excl. Unknown)   105 71   11

Unknown     78 31       2

Total   183     102   13 

J1-ZS2728 Subcluster of J1-L816 Cluster and Its Branches J1-ZS2736, J1-S4944, J1-ZS2752, J1-ZS12186, and J1-BY176603 

J1-ZS2728 J1-ZS2736     J1-S4944 J1-ZS2752 J1-ZS12186 J1-BY176603 

         (850 CE)     (950 CE)   (950 CE)       (1100 CE)         (900 CE)           (1250 CE)

Austria   2.82% (2)     3.13% (1)   5.56% (1)   --       -- --

Belarus   7.04% (5)     3.13% (1) 16.67% (3) 16.67% (1)       -- --

Czech Republic   4.23% (3)     3.13% (1)   5.56% (1) 16.67% (1)       -- --

England   1.41% (1) --   5.56% (1)   --       -- --

Finland   1.41% (1) --   5.56% (1)   --       -- --

Germany   9.86% (7)   12.50% (4) 11.11% (2)   --   25.00% (1) --

Greece   1.41% (1) -- --   --     -- --

Hungary   1.41% (1) --   5.56% (1)   --       -- --

Latvia   1.41% (1) --   5.56% (1)   --     -- --

Lithuania   2.82% (2)     6.25% (2) --   --     -- --

Netherlands   1.41% (1) --   5.56% (1)   --     -- --

Palestinian Territory   1.41% (1) -- -- 16.67% (1)     -- --

Poland 21.13% (15)   25.00% (8) 22.22% (4) 16.67% (1) 25.00% (1) 50.00% (1)

Romania   2.82% (2)     6.25% (2) --   --     -- --

Russian Fed'n   1.41% (1)     3.13% (1) --   --     -- --

Slovakia   7.04% (5)   15.63% (5) --   --     -- --

Spain   1.41% (1) -- --   --     -- 50.00% (1)

Ukraine 15.49% (11)   18.75% (6)   5.56% (1) 33.33% (1) 50.00% (2) --

United States   2.82% (2)     3.13% (1)   5.56% (1)   --     -- --

Total (excl. Unknown) 71 32 18     6     4 2

Unknown 31 16   5     6     3 --

Total     102 48 23   12     7 2

J1-ZS2736 Branch of J1-ZS2728 Subcluster of J1-L816 Cluster and Its Sub-Branches J1-BY80, J1-ZS12015, and J1-FT261433

J1-ZS2736       J1-BY80 J1-ZS12015 J1-FT261433

        (950 CE)   (1100 CE)     (1550 CE) (1250 CE)

Austria 3.13% (1) 3.57% (1) --   --

Belarus 3.13% (1) 3.57% (1) --   --

Czech Republic 3.13% (1)   --   50.00% (1)   --

Germany     12.50% (4)     10.71% (3) -- 50.00% (1)

Lithuania 6.25% (2) 7.14% (2) --   --

Poland     25.00% (8)     25.00% (7)   50.00% (1)   --

Romania 6.25% (2) 7.14% (2) --   --

Russian Fed'n 3.13% (1) 3.57% (1) --   --

Slovakia     15.63% (5)     17.86% (5) --   --

Ukraine     18.75% (6)     21.43% (6) --   --

United States 3.13% (1)   -- -- 50.00% (1)

Total (excl. Unknown) 32 28 2 2

Unknown 16 15 -- --

Total 48 53 2 2

J1-ZS11491 Subcluster of J1-L816 Cluster and Its Branch J1-ZS11488

J1-ZS11491 J1-ZS11488 

    (850 CE)   (1100 CE)

Germany     9.09% (1) 10.00% (1)

Mexico 54.55% (6) 60.00% (6)

Poland     9.09% (1)     --

Spain 18.18% (2) 20.00% (2)

United States   9.09% (1) 10.00% (1)

Total (excl. Unknown)       11 10

Unknown 2   2

Total       13 12

Geographic Distribution of J1-S12192 and Its Subclusters

J1-S19192 and Its Subclusters J1-ZS2375, J1-BY68, and J1-ZS4108

J1-S12192   J1-ZS2375   J1-BY68     J1-ZS4108

         (650 CE)       (1000 CE)       (1250 CE)   (1250 CE)

Algeria     0.46% (1)         --   -- --

Austria     1.38% (3)   2.47% (2)   -- --

Belarus     8.72% (19) 17.28% (14) 8.20% (5) --

Bulgaria     0.46% (1) -- 1.64% (1) --

Canada     0.46% (1) -- 1.64% (1) --

Czech Republic     1.38% (3)     1.23% (1) 1.64% (1) --

England     0.46% (1)     1.23% (1)     -- --

Estonia     0.46% (1) --     1.64% (1)         --

France     0.46% (1)     1.23% (1)     -- --

Germany     8.72% (19)     8.64% (7)    16.39% (10) --

Hungary     2.75% (6)     4.94% (4)   1.64% (1) --

Ireland     0.46% (1) --   1.64% (1) --

Italy     0.92% (2)     1.23% (1)   1.64% (1) --

Latvia     1.83% (4)     1.23% (1)   3.28% (2) --

Lithuania     7.80% (17)   11.11% (9)   9.84% (6) --

Moldova     0.92% (2)     2.47% (2)     -- --

Morocco     0.46% (1)   --     -- --

Netherlands     0.92% (2)   --               1.64% (1) --

Norway     0.46% (1)   --                   1.64% (1) --

Poland   16.97% (37)   25.93% (21) 19.67% (12) --

Romania     3.67% (8)     4.94% (4)   4.92% (3) --

Russian Fed'n     3.67% (8)     8.64% (7)     -- --

Slovakia     1.83% (4)   --       1.64% (1) --

Turkey     0.46% (1)     1.23% (1)     -- --

Ukraine     9.63% (21)     6.17% (5) 19.67% (12) --

United States     0.46% (1)   --       1.64% (1) --

Total (excl. Unknown) 218 81                   61 --

Unknown 103 39                   30 2

Total 321     120                   91 2

J1-ZS2375 Subcluster of J1-S19192 Cluster and Its Branches J1-ZS2374 and J1-BY32850

J1-ZS2375 J1-ZS2374 J1-BY32850

  (900 CE) (1050 CE)     (1000 CE)

Austria 2.47% (2)     3.08% (2)   --

Belarus     17.28% (14)  15.38% (10)   15.38% (2)

Czech Republic 1.23% (1)     1.54% (1)   --

England 1.23% (1)     1.54% (1)   --

France 1.23% (1)     1.54% (1)   --

Germany 8.64% (7)     9.23% (6)     7.69% (1)

Hungary 4.94% (4)     6.15% (4)   --

Italy 1.23% (1)     1.54% (1)   --

Latvia 1.23% (1) --   --

Lithuania     11.11% (9)   12.31% (8)     7.69% (1)

Moldova 2.47% (2)     3.08% (2)   --

Poland     25.93% (21)  29.23% (19)   15.38% (2)

Romania 4.94% (4)     3.08% (2)   15.38% (2)

Russian Fed'n 8.64% (7)     7.69% (5)   15.38% (2)

Turkey 1.23% (1) --     7.69% (1)

Ukraine 6.17% (5)     4.62% (3)   15.38% (1)

Total (excl. Unknown)     81   65 13

Unknown     39   29 10

Total   120   94 23

J1-ZS2374 Branch of J1-ZS2375 Subcluster of J1-S19192 Cluster and Its Sub-Branches J-Y113483, J-BY65054, J-FT2609, and J-FTC78291

J1-ZS2374 J-Y113483 J-BY65054 J-FT2609 J-FTC78291

      (1050 CE)         (1050 CE)         (1200 CE)       (1250 CE)         (1150 CE)

Austria 3.08% (2) -- 20.00% (2) --   --

Belarus     15.38% (10)   25.00% (4) 10.00% (1) 12.90% (4)   --

Czech Republic 1.54% (1) -- --     3.23% (1)   --

England 1.54% (1) -- --     3.23% (1)   --

France 1.54% (1) -- -- --   50.00% (1)

Germany 9.23% (6)   12.50% (2) 10.00% (1)   9.68% (3)   --

Hungary 6.15% (4) -- 10.00% (1)   9.68% (3)   --

Italy 1.54% (1) -- --   3.23% (1)   --

Lithuania     12.31% (8)   12.50% (2) 10.00% (1) 16.13% (5)   --

Moldova 3.08% (2)     6.25% (1) --   3.23% (1)   --

Poland     29.23% (19)   25.00% (4) 40.00% (4) 25.81% (8) 50.00% (1)

Romania 3.08% (2)     6.25% (1) -- --   --

Russian Fed'n 7.69% (5)     6.25% (1) --   6.45% (2)   --

Ukraine 4.62% (3)     6.25% (1) --   6.45% (2)   --

Total (excl. Unknown) 65 16     10 31   2

Unknown 29   9 4 12   --

Total 94 25     14 43   2

 J1-BY68 Subcluster of J1-S19192 Cluster and Its Branches J1-FGC9941 and J1-ZS2366

J1-BY68     J1-FGC9941 J1-ZS2366

     (1000 CE)   (1150 CE)       (1450 CE)

Belarus   8.20% (5)   9.80% (5)   --

Bulgaria   1.64% (1)   1.96% (1)   --

Canada   1.64% (1)   1.96% (1)   --

Czech Republic   1.64% (1)   1.96% (1)   --

Estonia   1.64% (1)   1.96% (1)   --

Germany 16.39% (10)   5.88% (3)   63.64% (7)

Hungary   1.64% (1)   1.96% (1)   --

Ireland   1.64% (1)   1.96% (1)   --

Italy   1.64% (1)   1.96% (1)   --

Latvia   3.28% (2)   3.92% (2)   --

Lithuania   9.84% (6) 11.76% (6)   --

Netherlands   1.64% (1)   1.96% (1)   9.09% (1)

Norway   1.64% (1)   1.96% (1)   --

Poland 19.67% (12) 23.53% (12)   --

Romania   4.92% (3)   5.88% (3)   --

Slovakia   1.64% (1)   1.96% (1)   --

Ukraine 19.67% (12) 19.61% (10) 18.18% (2)

United States   1.64% (1) --   9.09% (1)

Total (excl. Unknown) 61 51 11

Unknown 30 29   1

Total 91 80 12

J1-FGC9941 Branch of J1-BY68 Subcluster of J1-S19192 Cluster and Its Sub-Branches J1-ZS2361, J1-ZS9495, J1-ZS10441, J1-BY264, J1-Y93388, J1-FT213295, J1-FT140288, J1-FT210558, J1-FT120613, and J1-FT74097

J1-FGC9941 J1-ZS2361 J1-ZS9495 J1-ZS10441 J1-BY264 J1-Y93388 J1-FT213295 J1-FT140288 J1-FT210558 J1-FT120613 J1-FT74097

(1150 CE)     (1250 CE)  (1350 CE)   (1300 CE)     (1550 CE) (1400 CE)      (1500 CE)     (1200 CE)     (1450 CE)   (1500 CE)   (1500 CE)

Belarus   9.80% (5) 10.00% (1)  27.27% (3)   -- 16.67% (1) -- -- -- --   --   --

Bulgaria   1.96% (1)     -- --   --   16.67% (1) -- -- -- --   --   --

Canada   1.96% (1)     -- --   -- 16.67% (1) -- -- -- --   --   --

Czech Rep.   1.96% (1)     -- --   -- --   33.33% (1) -- -- --   --   --

Estonia   1.96% (1)     -- --     14.29% (1) -- -- -- -- --   --   --

Germany   5.88% (3)     --     9.09% (1)   -- -- -- --         100.00% (1) --   --   --

Hungary   1.96% (1)     -- --   -- -- -- -- -- --   --   --

Ireland   1.96% (1)     -- --   -- -- -- -- -- --       33.33% (1)   --

Italy   1.96% (1)     --     9.09% (1)   -- -- -- -- -- --   --   --

Latvia   3.92% (2) 20.00% (2) --   -- -- -- -- -- --   --   --

Lithuania       11.76% (6) 20.00% (2) --       42.86% (3) 16.67% (1) -- -- -- --   --   --

Netherlands   1.96% (1)     --     9.09% (1)    -- -- -- -- -- --   --   --

Norway   1.96% (1)     -- --   -- -- -- -- -- --   --   --

Poland       23.53% (12) 30.00% (3)   36.36% (4)   14.29% (1) --     66.67% (2) 100.00% (1) -- --       33.33% (1)   --

Romania   5.88% (3)     -- --       14.29% (1)   16.67% (1) -- -- -- --   --   --

Slovakia   1.96% (1)     -- --   -- -- -- -- -- --   --     50.00% (1)

Ukraine       19.61% (10) 30.00% (3)   9.09% (1)      14.29% (1)   16.67% (1) -- -- -- 100.00% (2) 33.33% (1)    50.00% (1)

Total (excl. Unk. 51     10 11 7   6 3 1 1   2 3     2

Unknown 29 5   6 2   3 7 1 1   1 3       --

Total 80     15 17 9   9     10 2 2   3 6     4

J1-ZS4108 Subcluster of J1-S19192 Cluster


Total (excl. Unknown)   0

Unknown   2

Total   2

Geographic Distribution of J2-L556 and Its Subclusters

J2-L556 and Its Subclusters J2-PF2462, J2-Y11782, and J2-Y9005

J2-L556   J2-PF2462 J2-Y11782         J2-Y9005

(750 CE)     (750 CE)   (900 CE)           (950 CE)

Australia   0.76% (1)   --   1.67% (1) --

Austria   0.76% (1)   -- --     1.92% (1)

Belarus 12.98% (17)   --       11.67% (11)   9.62% (5)

Bulgaria   0.76% (1)   -- --   1.92% (1)

Canada   0.76% (1)   -- --   1.92% (1)

Czech Republic   2.29% (3)   -- 2.67% (2)   1.92% (1)

France   1.53% (2)   -- --   3.85% (2)

Germany 20.61% (27)   --       17.67% (17) 11.54% (6)

Hungary   5.34% (7)   -- 2.67% (2)   7.69% (4)

Israel   0.76% (1)   -- -- --

Italy   1.53% (2)   -- --   3.85% (2)

Latvia   1.53% (2)   -- --   3.85% (2)

Lithuania   6.11% (8)   --   3.67% (3)   5.77% (3)

Moldova   2.29% (3)   --   2.67% (2)   1.92% (1)

Netherlands   0.76% (1)   --   1.67% (1) --

Northern Ireland   0.76% (1)   -- --   1.92% (1)

Poland 16.03% (21)   --   6.67% (6) 19.23% (10)

Romania   4.58% (6)   --   3.67% (3)   3.85% (2)

Russian Fed'n   5.34% (7)   --   2.67% (2)   5.77% (3)

Ukraine 12.98% (17)   --   9.67% (9) 11.54% (6)

United States   1.53% (2)   --   1.67% (1)   1.92% (1)

Total (excl. Unknown) 131   -- 60 52

Unknown   65   1 17 18

Total 196   1 77 70

J2-PF2462 Subcluster of J2-L556 Cluster (no branches)


  (750 CE)

Unknown 1

Total 1

Total (excl. Unknown) 0

J2-Y11782 Subcluster of J2-L556 Cluster and Its Branches J2-Y13373 and J2-Y22280

J2-Y11782 J2-Y13373 J2-Y22280

(900 CE) (1350 CE) (900 CE)

Australia   1.67% (1)   2.86% (1) --

Belarus 11.67% (11) 11.43% (4) 30.00% (6)

Czech Republic   2.67% (2)   2.86% (1) --

Germany 17.67% (17) 37.14% (13) 15.00% (3)

Hungary   2.67% (2)   5.71% (2) --

Lithuania   3.67% (3)   2.86% (1) 10.00% (2)

Moldova   2.67% (2)   2.86% (1) --

Netherlands   1.67% (1)   2.86% (1) --

Poland   6.67% (6) 11.43% (4) 10.00% (2)

Romania   3.67% (3)   5.71% (2)   5.00% (1)

Russian Fed'n   2.67% (2)   5.71% (2) --

Ukraine   9.67% (9)   5.71% (2) 30.00% (6)

United States     1.67% (1)   2.86% (1) --

Total (excl. Unknown) 60 35 20

Unknown 17   6 11

Total 77 41 31

J2-Y9005 Subcluster of J2-L556 Cluster and Its Branches J2-Y106982 and J2-FGC77890

J2-Y9005 J2-Y106982 J2-FGC77890

(950 CE) (1400 CE)   (1150 CE)

Austria 1.92% (1)   -- 2.04% (1)

Belarus 9.62% (5)   --     10.20% (5)

Bulgaria 1.92% (1)   33.33% (1) --

Canada 1.92% (1)   -- 2.04% (1)

Czech Republic 1.92% (1)   -- 2.04% (1)

France 3.85% (2)   -- 4.08% (2)

Germany     11.54% (6)   --     12.24% (6)

Hungary 7.69% (4)   -- 8.16% (4)

Italy 3.85% (2)   66.67% (2) --

Latvia 3.85% (2)   -- 4.08% (2)

Lithuania 5.77% (3)   -- 6.12% (3)

Moldova 1.92% (1)   -- 2.04% (1)

Northern Ireland 1.92% (1)   -- 2.04% (1)

Poland     19.23% (10)   --     20.41% (10)

Romania 3.85% (2)   -- 4.08% (2)

Russian Fed'n 5.77% (3)   -- 6.12% (3)

Ukraine     11.54% (6)   --     12.24% (6)

United States 1.92% (1)   -- 2.04% (1)

Total (excl. Unknown) 52   3 49

Unknown 18   -- 16

Total 70   3 65

J2-FGC77890 Branch of J2-Y9005 Subcluster of J2-L556 Cluster and Its Sub-Branches J2-Y13511, J2-FGC60715, and J2-FTB83330

J2-FGC77890 J2-Y13511 J2-FGC60715 J2-FTB83330

(1150 CE)         (1300 CE)     (1550 CE)   (1800 CE)

Austria   2.04% (1)   2.50% (1)   --   --

Belarus 10.20% (5)   7.50% (3)     33.33% (2)   --

Canada   2.04% (1)   2.50% (1)   --   --

Czech Republic   2.04% (1)   2.50% (1)   --   --

France   4.08% (2)   5.00% (2)   --   --

Germany 12.24% (6) 12.50% (5)   --   --

Hungary   8.16% (4) 10.00% (4)   --   --

Latvia   4.08% (2)   5.00% (2)   --   --

Lithuania   6.12% (3)   2.50% (1)     33.33% (2)   --

Moldova   2.04% (1)   2.50% (1)   --   --

Northern Ireland   2.04% (1)   2.50% (1)   --   --

Poland 20.41% (10) 25.00% (10)   --   --

Romania   4.08% (2)   5.00% (2)   --   --

Russian Fed'n   6.12% (3)   5.00% (2)   --   --

Ukraine 12.24% (6)   7.50% (3)     33.33% (2)   100.00% (1)

United States   2.04% (1)   2.50% (1)   --   --

Total (excl. Unknown) 49 40     6     1

Unknown 16 15   --     1

Total 65 55   6     2

Geographic Distribution of J2-Z30390 and Its Subclusters

J2-Z30390 and Its Subcluster J2-Y15234

J2-Z30390 J2-Y15234

(750 CE)   (850 CE)

Belarus 11.59% (8) 12.50% (8)

Czech Republic   1.45% (1)   1.56% (1)

England   1.45% (1)   1.56% (1)

Germany 17.39% (12) 17.19% (12)

Greece   1.45% (1) --

Hungary   2.90% (2)   3.13% (1)

Lithuania 10.14% (7)   9.38% (2)

Mexico   1.45% (1) --

Netherlands   4.35% (3)   3.13% (7)

Poland 18.84% (13) 20.31% (1)

Romania   1.45% (1)   1.56% (3)

Russian Fed'n   2.90% (2)   3.13% (13)

Ukraine 18.84% (13) 20.31% (1)

United States   5.80% (4)   6.25% (2)

Total (excl. Unknown) 69 64

Unknown 32 27

Total             101 91

J2-Y15234 Subcluster of J2-Z30390 Cluster and Its Branches J2-Y15241, J2-Y24492, J2-Y109031, J2-BY194993, and J2-FT278724

J2-Y15234 J2-Y15241 J2-Y24492 J2-Y109031   J2-BY194993 J2-FT278724

(850 CE) (1200 CE)   (950 CE)   (1550 CE)     (1000 CE)   (1300 CE)

Belarus     12.50% (8) 10.34% (3) 10.00% (2)   66.67% (2)   5.00% (1)   --

Czech Republic 1.56% (1)   3.45% (1) -- -- --   --

England 1.56% (1) -- -- -- --   25.00% (1)

Germany     17.19% (12) 24.14% (7) 10.00% (2) -- 10.00% (2) --

Hungary 3.13% (1) --   5.00% (1) --   5.00% (1) --

Lithuania 9.38% (2) -- 10.00% (2) -- 15.00% (3) 25.00% (1)

Netherlands 3.13% (7)   3.45% (1) -- --   5.00% (1) --

Poland     20.31% (1) 10.34% (3) 30.00% (6) 33.33% (1) 15.00% (3) --

Romania 1.56% (3) -- -- --   5.00% (1) --

Russian Fed'n 3.13% (13)   3.45% (1) -- --   5.00% (1) --

Ukraine     20.31% (1) -- 35.00% (7) -- 25.00% (5) 25.00% (1)

United States 6.25% (2)   3.45% (1) -- -- 10.00% (2) 25.00% (1)

Total (excl. Unknown) 64 17 20 3 20 4

Unknown 27   5 11 4   7 --

Total 91 22 31 7 27 4

Geographic Distribution of J2-FT69390 and Its Subclusters

J2-FT69390 and Its Subclusters J2-FGC30681, J2-FT21111, and J2-FGC4962

J2-FT69390   J2-FGC30681 J2-FT21111 J2-FGC4962

    (750 CE) (850 CE)     (800 CE)     (800 CE)

Belarus 20.00% (14)     41.67% (10)   20.00% (1) 8.82% (3)

Czech Republic   1.43% (1)     -- --     2.94% (1)

Hungary 10.00% (7)     --   60.00% (3)     11.76% (4)

Latvia   2.86% (2) 4.17% (1) -- 2.94% (1)

Lithuania 10.00% (7) 8.33% (2) --     14.71% (5)

Poland 15.71% (11)     12.50% (3) --     23.53% (8)

Romania   4.29% (3) 4.17% (1) -- 5.88% (2)

Russian Fed'n 10.00% (7) 8.33% (2) --     14.71% (5)

Ukraine 15.71% (11)     20.83% (5)   20.00% (1)     14.71% (5)

Total (excl. Unknown) 70   24 5     34

Unknown Origin 26   12 3     11

Total 96   36 8     45

J2-FGC30681 Subcluster of J2-FT69390 Cluster and Its Branches J2-BY189731 and J2-FT243711

J2-FGC30681 J2-BY189731  J2-FT243711

  (850 CE)   (1550 CE) (1150 CE)

Belarus 41.67% (10) -- 45.45% (10)

Latvia   4.17% (1) --   4.55% (1)

Lithuania   8.33% (2) --   9.09% (2)

Poland 12.50% (3) -- 13.64% (3)

Romania   4.17% (1) 50.00% (1) --

Russian Fed'n   8.33% (2) 50.00% (1)   4.55% (1)

Ukraine 20.83% (5) -- 22.73% (5)

Total (excl. Unknown) 24 2 22

Unknown Origin 12 1   8

Total 36 3 30

J2-FT21111 Subcluster of J2-FT69390 Cluster and Its Branches J2-FT19636 and J2-FT155828

J2-FT21111 J2-FT19636   J2-FT155828

(800 CE) (1600 CE)     (1350 CE)

Belarus 20.00% (1) -- 100.00% (1)

Hungary 60.00% (3) 75.00% (3)   --

Ukraine 20.00% (1) 25.00% (1)   --

Total (excl. Unknown) 5 4   1

Unknown Origin 3 2   1

Total 8 6   2

J2-FGC4962 Subcluster of J2-FT69390 Cluster and Its Branches J2-FGC4977 and J2-FT249728

J2-FGC4962   J2-FGC4977 J2-FT249728

(800 CE)     (1250 CE)   (1500 CE)

Belarus 8.82% (3) 9.38% (3)   --

Czech Republic 2.94% (1) 3.13% (1)   --

Hungary     11.76% (4)     12.50% (4)   --

Latvia 2.94% (1) 3.13% (1)   --

Lithuania     14.71% (5)     15.63% (5)   --

Poland     23.53% (8)     21.88% (7)   50.00% (1)

Romania 5.88% (2) 3.13% (1)   50.00% (1)

Russian Fed'n     14.71% (5)     15.63% (5)   --

Ukraine     14.71% (5)     15.63% (5)   --

Total (excl. Unknown) 34     32   2

Unknown Origin 11     10   1

Total 45     42   3

Geographic Distribution of Q-Y2198 and Its Subclusters

Q-Y2198 and Its Subclusters Q-Y2754, Q-YP1004, Q-BZ25, and Q-FT47790

Q-Y2198     Q-Y2754   Q-YP1004   Q-BZ25     Q-FT47790

    (650 CE)       (1100 CE)   (1150 CE) (1000 CE)      (1450 CE)

Austria 0.98% (1) 1.96% (1)     --     -- --

Belarus 3.92% (4) 5.88% (3)     -- 4.17% (1) --

Czech Republic 0.98% (1) 1.96% (1)     --     -- --

England 2.94% (3) 3.92% (2)   4.55% (1)     -- --

Germany     12.75% (13) 7.84% (4)   9.09% (2)     20.83% (5) --

Hungary 3.92% (4) 5.88% (3)     -- 4.17% (1) --

Latvia 6.86% (7) 7.84% (4)     --       12.50% (3) --

Lithuania     11.76% (12)    15.69% (8)   4.55% (1)     12.50% (3) --

Netherlands 0.98% (1) -- 4.55% (1)     -- -- --

Poland     21.57% (22)     19.61% (10) 13.64% (3)     29.17% (7) 50.00% (1)

Romania 6.86% (7) 5.88% (3) 18.18% (4) 4.17% (1) --

Russian Fed'n 5.88% (6) 3.92% (2) 13.64% (3) -- --

Scotland 0.98% (1) 1.96% (1) -- -- --

Ukraine     15.69% (16)     15.69% (8) 27.27% (6) 8.33% (2) --

United States 3.92% (4) 1.96% (1)   4.55% (1) 4.17% (1) 50.00% (1)

Total (excl. Unknown) 102     51 22     24 2

Unknown   44     26   4     13 --

Total 146     77 26     37 2

Q-Y2754 Subcluster of Q-Y2198 Cluster and Its Branches Q-FGC1898, Q-BZ37, Q-FT114270, Q-FT264054, Q-FT59001, Q-Y232457, and Q-PH2513

Q-Y2754 Q-FGC1898 Q-BZ37 Q-FT114270 Q-FT264054 Q-FT59001 Q-Y232457 Q-PH2513

(1100 CE)   (1250 CE)        (1350 CE)   (1250 CE) (1350 CE)         (1300 CE)   (unknown time)   (1400 CE)

Austria   1.96% (1) --   6.25% (1)   -- --   --   --   --

Belarus   5.88% (3) --     --     12.50% (1)   33.33% (1)   50.00% (1)   --   --

Czech Republic   1.96% (1) --   6.25% (1)   -- --   --   --   --

England   3.92% (2) --   6.25% (1)   -- --   --   --   33.33% (1)

Germany   7.84% (4) --         18.75% (3)   -- --   --   --   --

Hungary   5.88% (3) -- --       12.50% (1)   33.33% (1)   --   --   --

Latvia   7.84% (4)        9.09% (1)   6.25% (1)      12.50% (1) --   --   --   --

Lithuania 15.69% (8)      18.18% (2)   6.25% (1)      25.00% (2)   33.33% (1)   50.00% (1)   --   --

Poland 19.61% (10)   27.27% (3) 31.25% (5)      25.00% (2) --   --   --   --

Romania   5.88% (3)        9.09% (1)   6.25% (1)     -- --   --   --   --

Russian Fed'n   3.92% (2)     18.18% (2) --   -- --   --   --   --

Scotland   1.96% (1) --   6.25% (1)   -- --   --   --   --

Ukraine 15.69% (8)     18.18% (2)   6.25% (1) 12.50% (1) --   -- 100.00% (1)   33.33% (1)

United States   1.96% (1) -- --   -- --   --   --   33.33% (1)

Total (excl. Unknown) 51       11       16   8 3   2   1   3

Unknown 26         4 8                   5 2   3   1   --

Total 77     15       24       13 5   5   2   3

Q-YP1004 Subcluster of Q-Y2198 Cluster and Its Branches Q-BZ40 and Q-FT186814

Q-YP1004     Q-BZ40 Q-FT186814

    (1150 CE) (1150 CE) (1350 CE)

England 4.55% (1) -- 11.11% (1)

Germany 9.09% (2) -- --

Lithuania 4.55% (1) -- --

Netherlands 4.55% (1) -- --

Poland     13.64% (3) -- 22.22% (2)

Romania     18.18% (4) -- 11.11% (1)

Russian Fed'n     13.64% (3) -- 33.33% (3)

Ukraine     27.27% (6) 100.00% (1) 11.11% (1)

United States 4.55% (1) -- 11.11% (1)

Total (excl. Unknown)    22 1 9

Unknown 4 -- 3

Total     26 1       12

Q-BZ25 Subcluster of Q-Y2198 Cluster and Its Branch Q-Y3026

Q-BZ25 Q-Y3026 

(1000 CE)     (1200 CE)

Belarus   4.17% (1)   4.35% (1)

Germany 20.83% (5) 17.39% (4)

Hungary   4.17% (1)   4.35% (1)

Latvia 12.50% (3) 13.04% (3)

Lithuania 12.50% (3) 13.04% (3)

Poland 29.17% (7) 30.43% (7)

Russian Fed'n   4.17% (1)   4.35% (1)

Ukraine   8.33% (2)   8.70% (2)

United States   4.17% (1)   4.35% (1)

Total (excl. Unknown)   24 23

Unknown   13 13

Total   37 36

Q-FT47790 Branch of Q-Y2198 Cluster (no branches)


(1450 CE)

Poland 50.00% (1)

United States 50.00% (1)

Total (excl. Unknown) 2

Unknown --

Total 2

Geographic Distribution of R1a-Y2619 and Its Subclusters

R1a-Y2619 and Its Subclusters R1a-Y2630, R1a-FGC18222, R1a-BY29826, and R1a-FTA51568

R1a-Y2619 R1a-Y2630 R1a-FGC18222 R1a-BY29826 R1a-FTA51568

(750 CE) (950 CE)     (850 CE)     (900 CE) (950 CE)

Australia 0.37% (1) 0.66% (1)   --   -- --

Austria 0.37% (1) 0.66% (1)   --   -- --

Belarus 7.46% (20) 9.87% (15) 2.47% (2)     4.17% (1) 18.18% (2)

Czech Republic 4.85% (13) 5.92% (9) 1.23% (1)   -- 27.27% (3)

England 2.61% (7) 2.63% (4) 3.70% (3)   -- --

France 0.75% (2)     --   --     8.33% (2) --

Germany 9.33% (25) 7.89% (12) 6.17% (5)   25.00% (6) 18.18% (2)

Hungary 4.85% (13) 7.24% (11) 2.47% (2)   -- --

Iraq 0.37% (1)     -- 1.23% (1)   -- --

Israel 0.75% (2)     -- 2.47% (2)   -- --

Latvia 1.49% (4) 1.32% (2) 1.23% (1)     4.17% (1) --

Lithuania 6.72% (18) 3.95% (6) 9.88% (8)   12.50% (3)   9.09% (1)

Moldova 1.12% (3) 0.66% (1) 2.47% (2)   -- --

Netherlands 1.49% (4) 1.97% (3) 1.23% (1)   -- --

Poland     23.51% (63)     21.05% (32)     27.16% (22)   25.00% (6) 27.27% (3)

Romania 4.10% (11) 3.95% (6) 4.94% (4)     4.17% (1) --

Russian Fed'n 2.99% (8) 1.97% (3) 4.94% (4)     4.17% (1) --

Slovakia 0.37% (1) 0.66% (1)   --   -- --

Ukraine     24.63% (66)     28.29% (43)     25.93% (21)     8.33% (2) --

United Kingdom 0.75% (2) 0.66% (1) 1.23% (1)   -- --

United States 1.12% (3) 0.66% (1) 1.23% (1)     4.17% (1) --

Total (excl. Unknown)  268 152     81 24       11

Unknown       32   17     14   1 --

Total   300 169     95 25       11

R1a-Y2630 Subcluster of R1a-Y2619 Cluster and Its Branches R1a-FGC10632, R1a-BY29728, and R1a-BY24982

R1a-Y2630 R1a-FGC10632 R1a-BY29728 R1a-BY24982

(950 CE)     (1100 CE)     (1050 CE)     (1100 CE)

Australia   0.66% (1) 0.99% (1)   --   --

Austria   0.66% (1) 0.99% (1)   --   --

Belarus   9.87% (15)     10.89% (11)     8.89% (4)   --

Czech Republic   5.92% (9) 7.92% (8)     2.22% (1)   --

England   2.63% (4) 2.97% (3)     2.22% (1)   --

Germany   7.89% (12) 5.94% (6)   11.11% (5)   16.67% (1)

Hungary   7.24% (11) 7.92% (8)     4.44% (2)   16.67% (1)

Latvia   1.32% (2)     --     4.44% (2)   --

Lithuania   3.95% (6) 1.98% (2)     6.67% (3)   16.67% (1)

Moldova   0.66% (1) 0.99% (1)   --   --

Netherlands   1.97% (3)     --     4.44% (2)   16.67% (1)

Poland 21.05% (32)     21.78% (22)   22.22% (10)   --

Romania   3.95% (6) 3.96% (4)     2.22% (1)   16.67% (1)

Russian Fed'n   1.97% (3) 1.98% (2)   --   16.67% (1)

Slovakia   0.66% (1) 0.99% (1)   --   --

Ukraine 28.29% (43)     30.69% (31)     26.67% (12)   --

United Kingdom   0.66% (1)   -- 2.22% (1)   --

United States   0.66% (1)   -- 2.22% (1)   --

Total (excl. Unknown) 152 101     45   6

Unknown   17     8         5   4

Total 169 109     50 10

R1a-FGC10632 Branch of R1a-Y2630 Subcluster of R1a-Y2619 Cluster and its Sub-Branches R1a-FTA6349, R1a-FTA6346, R1a-FTA6347, and R1a-FT131801

R1a-FGC10632 R1a-FTA6349 R1a-FTA6346 R1a-FTA6347 R1a-FT131801

  (1100 CE)   (1200 CE)   (1150 CE)   (1150 CE)   (1300 CE)

Australia 0.99% (1)   --   --   10.00% (1)   --

Austria 0.99% (1)   -- 3.57% (1)   --   --

Belarus     10.89% (11)     10.34% (6)     10.71% (3)   20.00% (2)   --

Czech Republic 7.92% (8)     10.34% (6) 3.57% (1)   -- 33.33% (1)

England 2.97% (3) 3.45% (2) 3.57% (1)   --   --

Germany 5.94% (6) 3.45% (2)     10.71% (3)   10.00% (1)   --

Hungary 7.92% (8) 5.17% (3) 7.14% (2)   10.00% (1) 66.67% (2)

Lithuania 1.98% (2)   -- 3.57% (1)   10.00% (1)   --

Moldova 0.99% (1) 1.72% (1)   --   --   --

Poland     21.78% (22)     24.14% (14)     25.00% (7)   10.00% (1)   --

Romania 3.96% (4) 3.45% (2) 7.14% (2)   --   --

Russian Fed'n 1.98% (2) 3.45% (2)   --   --   --

Slovakia 0.99% (1)   -- 3.57% (1)   --   --

Ukraine     30.69% (31)     34.48% (20)     21.43% (6)   30.00% (3)   --

Total (excl. Unknown)   101     58     28 10   3

Unknown 8 2 5     1   --

Total   109     60     33 11   3

R1a-BY29728 Branch of R1a-Y2630 Subcluster of R1a-Y2619 Cluster and Its Sub-Branches R1a-YP4671 and R1a-YP1386

R1a-BY29728 R1a-YP4671   R1a-YP1386

(1050 CE) (1400 CE)   (1150 CE)

Belarus   8.89% (4) 16.67% (1) 8.57% (3)

Czech Republic   2.22% (1) -- 2.86% (1)

England   2.22% (1) -- 2.86% (1)

Germany 11.11% (5) -- 5.71% (2)

Hungary   4.44% (2) -- 5.71% (2)

Latvia   4.44% (2) -- 5.71% (2)

Lithuania   6.67% (3) -- 8.57% (3)

Netherlands   4.44% (2) -- 5.71% (2)

Poland 22.22% (10) 16.67% (1)     20.00% (7)

Romania   2.22% (1) -- 2.86% (1)

Ukraine 26.67% (12) 66.67% (4)     25.71% (9)

United Kingdom   2.22% (1) -- 2.86% (1)

United States   2.22% (1) -- 2.86% (1)

Total (excl. Unknown) 45 6     35

Unknown   5 1 4

Total 50 7     39

R1a-BY24982 Branch of R1a-Y2630 Subcluster of R1a-Y2619 Cluster and Its Branches R1a-BY24977 and R1a-BY24978

R1a-BY24982 R1a-BY24977 R1a-BY24978

(1100 CE)   (1350 CE)   (1200 CE)

Germany 16.67% (1)   --   50.00% (1)

Hungary 16.67% (1)   --   --

Lithuania 16.67% (1)   --   50.00% (1)

Moldova 16.67% (1)   33.33% (1)   --

Poland 16.67% (1)   33.33% (1)   --

Russian Fed'n 16.67% (1)   33.33% (1)   --

Total (excl. Unknown) 6   3   2

Unknown 4   2   1

Total     10   5   3

R1a-FGC18222 Subcluster of R1a-Y2619 Cluster and Its Branches R1a-FGC18222, R1a-FGC18226, and R1a-YP1074

R1a-FGC18222 R1a-FGC18226 R1a-YP1074

    (850 CE) (900 CE)   (1050 CE)

Belarus 2.47% (2) 3.92% (2)       4.17% (1)

Czech Republic 1.23% (1) 1.96% (1)     --

England 3.70% (3) 3.92% (2)     --

Germany 6.17% (5) 3.92% (2)     25.00% (6)

Hungary 2.47% (2) 1.96% (1)     --

Iraq 1.23% (1) 1.96% (1)     --

Israel 2.47% (2) 1.96% (1)     --

Latvia 1.23% (1) 1.96% (1) 4.17% (1)

Lithuania 9.88% (8) 7.84% (4)     12.50% (3)

Moldova 2.47% (2) 1.96% (1)     --

Netherlands 1.23% (1) 1.96% (1)     --

Poland     27.16% (22)     29.41% (15)     25.00% (6)

Romania 4.94% (4) 3.92% (2) 4.17% (1)

Russian Fed'n 4.94% (4) 3.92% (2) 4.17% (1)

Ukraine     25.93% (21)     27.45% (14) 8.33% (2)

United Kingdom 1.23% (1) 1.96% (1)     --

United States 1.23% (1) -- 4.17% (1)

Total (excl. Unknown)     81 51     24

Unknown     14   6 1

Total     95 57       25

R1a-FGC18226 Branch of R1a-FGC18222 Subcluster of R1a-Y2619 Cluster and its Sub-Branches R1a-FGC18218, R1a-BY24995, R1a-YP5480, and R1a-BY24993

R1a-FGC18226 R1a-FGC18218  R1a-BY24995 R1a-YP5480 R1a-BY24993

  (900 CE)     (950 CE) (1350 CE) (1350 CE) (1200 CE)

Belarus     3.92% (2) 5.71% (2) -- -- --

Czech Republic     1.96% (1)       -- -- -- 20.00% (1)

England     3.92% (2) 2.86% (1) -- 16.67% (1) --

Germany     3.92% (2) 2.86% (1) -- 16.67% (1) --

Hungary     1.96% (1) 2.86% (1) -- -- --

Iraq     1.96% (1) 2.86% (1) -- -- --

Israel     1.96% (1) 2.86% (1) -- -- --

Latvia     1.96% (1) 2.86% (1) -- -- --

Lithuania     7.84% (4) 8.57% (3) -- -- 20.00% (1)

Moldova     1.96% (1) 2.86% (1) -- -- --

Netherlands     1.96% (1)     --   25.00% (1) -- --

Poland 29.41% (15)     34.29% (12)   25.00% (1) -- 20.00% (1)

Romania     3.92% (2) 2.86% (1) -- -- 20.00% (1)

Russian Fed'n   3.92% (2) 2.86% (1)   25.00% (1) 16.67% (1) --

Ukraine 27.45% (4)     25.71% (9) -- 50.00% (1) 20.00% (1)

United Kingdom   1.96% (1) --     25.00% (1) -- -- --

Total (excl. Unknown) 51     35 4   6 5

Unknown   7       3 --   2 1

Total 58   38 4   8 6

R1a-BY29826 Subcluster of R1a-Y2619 Cluster and Its Subclusters R1a-BY36575, R1a-FGC74789, and R1a-FT94463

  R1a-BY29826 R1a-BY36575 R1a-FGC74789 R1a-FT94463

(900 CE)     (1300 CE) (950 CE)       (1450 CE)

Belarus   4.17% (1) -- -- 10.00% (1)

France   8.33% (2) -- -- 20.00% (2)

Germany 25.00% (6) -- 50.00% (4) 10.00% (1)

Latvia   4.17% (1) -- -- 10.00% (1)

Lithuania 12.50% (3)   33.33% (1) -- 10.00% (1)

Poland 25.00% (6)   66.67% (2) 12.25% (1) 30.00% (3)

Romania   4.17% (1) -- 12.25% (1) --

Russian Fed'n   4.17% (1) -- -- --

Ukraine   8.33% (2) -- 12.25% (1) 10.00% (1)

United States   4.17% (1) -- 12.25% (1) --

Total (excl. Unknown)  24 3 8       10

Unknown       1 -- 2 1

Total   25 3     10       11

R1a-FTA51568 Subcluster of R1a-Y2619 Cluster and Its Branches R1a-BY73299 and R1a-FTA31412

R1a-FTA51568  R1a-BY73299 R1a-FTA31412

        (750 CE)           (1350 CE)     (950 CE)

Belarus     18.18% (2)     20.00% (2)   --

Czech Republic     27.27% (3)     30.00% (3)   --

Germany     18.18% (2)     10.00% (1)   --

Lithuania         9.09% (1)     10.00% (1) 100.00% (1)

Poland     27.27% (3)     30.00% (3)   --

Total (excl. Unknown)   11   10   1

Unknown     --     --   --

Total   11   10   1