Situations of Disagreement

Dissatisfaction with an IEP or School Evaluation

If you find youself unsatisfied with an IEP, parts of an IEP, or school evaluation, there are steps you can take to advocate for your child.

Here are some examples of possible school system violations:

If your main concern relates to the school evaluation, please see the Evaluations page for information on independent educational evaluations.

Problem Resolution System (PRS)

Because DESE “is committed to helping individuals and school districts resolve problems promptly,” it developed the Problem Resolution System (PRS).

The state’s Problem Resolution System is used by parents when a school or school district doesn’t follow the law. “Laws exist to protect the rights of all students in the Commonwealth, and to ensure that all students receive equal educational opportunities,” according to the Problem Resolution System Information Guide.

Through this system, “the Department handles complaints that allege a school or a district is not meeting legal requirements for education.”

“The Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education encourages schools and districts to take
quick action to respond to questions and concerns about students’ educational programs. Therefore, individuals
with such concerns are encouraged to contact school district personnel (for example, the principal, superintendent
of schools, or the administrator of special education) first to resolve the problem. However, individuals may ask the Department for assistance without speaking first with someone in the school or district.”

– Problem Resolution System Information Guide

Program Quality Assurance Services

Program Quality Assurance Services is the unit within DESE that manages the PRS. Anyone, including parents, students, educators, community members, and agency representatives, can contact PQAS for assistance at:

Program Quality Assurance Services

Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

75 Pleasant Street, Malden, MA 02148-4906

Telephone: 781-338-3700

TTY: N.E.T. Relay: 1-800-439-2370

Fax: 781-338-3710



Bureau of Special Education Appeals

MGL Chapter 71B Section 2A established the Bureau of Special Education Appeals to provide adjudicatory hearings, mediation and other forms of alternative dispute resolution. 

The two common BSEA services are mediation and hearings. Sometimes, parents and caregivers request BSEA services. In other situations, a school district notifies BSEA that a parent or guardian may be contacting it to ask for services. BSEA services are available for disputes about IEPs and 504 Plans.

To learn more about BSEA services, visit its website at