School Evaluation Reports

School Evaluation Report Contents

Massachusetts’ special education regulations state what each school evaluator must have in their evaluation report.

Each evaluator must summarize in writing the following:

  1. The procedures used to evaluate the student

  2. The results of the evaluation(s), including the tests used

  3. The evaluators diagnostic impression of the student

  4. State explicit means of meeting the students needs

  5. May recommend appropriate types of placements, but must not recommend a specific classroom or school

Parental Access to School Evaluation Reports

Summaries of assessments are expected to be completed prior to discussion by a child’s IEP Team. In addition:

  • Parents and guardians can ask for each evaluation report to be made available to them at least 2 days, or 48 hours, in advance of an IEP Team meeting at which the evaluation’s findings will be discussed. (See 603 CMR 28.05(1).)

  • Requests can be made via an email to the school psychologist or special education teacher who conducts the evaluation.