Planta de Fique  

Fique plant 

Furcraea foetida 

"My abundant flowers are very fragrant and attract hundreds of pollinators and I live for many years"


Fique, belongs to a type of plant called : Agave 

... a natural fiber that grows in the leaves of plants in the genus Furcraea

Most attractive features: 

The fique plant’s resilient fibers, extracted from its long, slender leaves, make it a valuable resource for various industrial applications.



 This natural plant helps in oil conservation and erosion prevention, especially in areas with bad soil.


Fique has cultural importance in regions where it is traditionally grown and processed. 


Fique cultivation provides employment opportunities, especially in rural areas where there are not a lot of jobs that pay well. 


The fique industry makes money through the production and sale of its fibers and related products like sacks, ropes, and mats.

Taxonomical Classification

Distribution in Mexico 

The plant is not native to Mexico... 

However, due to its economic importance, it has been introduced to other regions with similar climates and soil conditions for cultivation.

How is this plant unique in our green roof?

The fique plant is extremely unique in our green roof, since it’s the only species found in our green roof from this family, Asparagaceae. Its unique shape, its large size makes this plant look like a palm tree, separating this species from the rest in our green roof. Furthermore, this plant has no spikes or spines, making it an even more unique species. 

Fun Facts