Name in English: Hedgehog Agave

Name in Spanish: Maguey Espadín 

Scientific Name: Agave Striata

“I am distinguished by the long, thin leaves with a thorn at the tip that forms a compact, blueish-green sphere.”


The Agave Striata grows up to have a height of 18 - 24 inches (45–60 centimeters) and a spread (width) of around 24 - 36 inches (60 - 90 centimeters). When the plant is kept in the shade its leaves are gray-green with a sharp, dark brown terminal spine, but when exposed to direct sun for a longer period they become glaucous or tinged red, pink, or purple.  The Agave Striata is an evergreen, perennial succulent plant. The plant starts blooming around late spring and by early summer it has bloomed. The flowers are shaped in a tubular-like shape and range from 1¼ to 1½ inches long (30-40 mm). The flower color can be more green to pale yellow to purple. The Agave Striata produces abundant offshoots or pups after flowering to form small colonies.

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Ecological Importance

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