Server Rules

failure to follow the rules may result in expulsion from the server; or in more innocuous situations, a warning. Please remember that these rules are put in place to create an organized and safe environment for all members!

  1. Must be AT LEAST 15 Years Old. (Anyone below the age of 15 is not permitted to join the server, for safety and social purposes.)

  2. Before moving onto the server, get your roles in the #📌︱roles channel and introduce yourself in the #📌︱self-intro channel

  3. Use the chats for their intended purpose - for instance, the weather shouldn't be the topic of discussion in the WIP channel

  4. Read the descriptions and rules for channels and categories if provided (which may sometimes be in the pinned messages) before using said channel

NO NSFW, unless in the nsfw channels (please be aware of the minors on this server)

Refrain from talking about super heavy topics, ranting, or bringing up sensitive topics (esp. without the consent of other members) on public channels. If you need to vent, please ask if someone is open to DM.

Check the #📌︱trigger-list channel and do your best to censor sensitive topics or avoid bringing up topics on the list, instructions on how to properly censor content on Discord is in the pinned messages of that channel

➏ Legal adults, be conscious of the minors on this server. Same applies for minors. (Legal adults should not seek out minors when talking about sensitive topics).

➐ Treat the other members of this server with respect.

No senseless spamming (this doesn't refer to quick/long conversation! this means do not spam: "a" "a" "a" "a" "a" "a" "a")

The server is NO PLACE FOR HATE (that includes, but is not limited to: homophobia, transphobia, xenophobia, racial slander, etc.)

Do not exclude other fandoms and interests. This includes unnecessary slander of other music groups, of shows, etc.

if you see anyone violating these rules, or if you have any concerns about another member(s) of the sever, please contact a staff member. they will be happy to help

⑬ have fun and be awesome!

failure to follow the rules may result in expulsion from the server; or in more innocuous situations, a warning. Please remember that these rules are put in place to create an organized and safe environment for all members!