Regular Activities

Activities we host often.

These activities range from art challenges to movie nights. See the table of contents below to learn more. *You can also find this information in the "Events & Collabs" category on the Discord Server.*

Croquis Club

What is Croquis Club? It is a drawing club that meets twice a week and is meant for learning and practice purposes! Each session has a general theme and consists of timed sections that increase in length as you progress.

How Does it Work? Each session is hosted in the #croquis-club channel and in a voice channel that is created before each session. Each session typically consists of 4 timed sections with an optional cool down sketch. A typical session looks like: [2mins x3] [5mins x3] [7mins x3] [10mins x2] [optional 5min cool down]. Sessions may have sections that vary in time depending on references used. Between each photo feel free to share your drawing in the chat!

[optional] Post your work on social media with the hashtag #artmydc_croquis ~!

Do I have to participate in every session? Nope! At the beginning of each week the schedule and themes for the week's sessions will be posted and you can pick and choose which ones you want to participate in. You do not have to participate in the entire session and can hop in at any point. You can even draw the references from each Croquis session on your own time, each session's references are in the pinnned messages of the #croquis-club channel.

How Can I be Notified? Please see #📌︱roles and select the 🔔 Croquis Sub. Notification Subscription Role! :]

Can I Recommend Prompts? Of course! Fill out this form to recommend a Croquis topic.

croquis noun

cro·​quis | \ krō-ˈkē \

plural croquis\ krō-​ˈkē(z) \

Definition of croquis

: a rough draft : SKETCH

Weekly Prompts

What is a Weekly Prompt? Weekly Prompts is a drawing challenge posted every Saturday on #server-updates~!

How Does it Work? Draw anything you want inspired by the prompt! This can be a doodle or a full piece, in any medium you choose! How you do it is up to you :D

[optional] Post your work on social media with the hashtag shown on the bottom left of the prompt post~!

If I Participate am I Obligated to do it Every Week? Nope! You can pick and choose, and do prompts from earlier weeks as you please. This is just to get your creative juices flowing!

How Can I be Notified? Please see the #📌︱roles channel and select the 🔔 Weekly Prompt Sub. Role! :]

Can I Recommend Prompts? Absolutely! Fill out this form to recommend a weekly prompt.

Movie Nights

How do Movie Nights work? Ususally once a week a staff member will stream a movie on the server, all are welcome! The movie is streamed a Voice Channel (located in the Stream & Voice category), join the call and click the movie stream to watch along with everyone!

Where can I find the schedule for the movie streams? You can view which movies are scheduled and when on our Google Calendar (view on the HOME page)

How Can I be Notified? Please see the #📌︱roles channel and select the 🔔 Games & Activities. Role! :]

Can I Recommend Something to Watch? Of course! Fill out this form to recommend a movie! You can recommend anything from movies, TV shows, and even concerts! You are welcome to recommend rated R movies but please include content warnings when recommending.

Game Days

Game Days

We have some days where we will play games together, like Minecraft or!