Artmy Summer Camp 2021

Artmy Summer Camp 2021 - This "Summer Camp" was a chance for those with less to do in the summer, especially during the COVID era, to interact with fellow artmy in a friendly competition and create art with fun challenges.

To see examples of what our wonderful campers created, please navigate through the activities below.

Meet the Camp Counsellors

About The Camp & The Counsellors

The counsellors, who are members of the staff team and lovely volunteers, all created their own little Campsona (a counselor character representative of themselves) to help create the lovely camp environment!

Except for the Head Counselor, who was there to act as a mediator and neutral planner, the Counselors were split into two teams: the Purple Cabin & the Yellow Cabin. It was then the job of each counselor to create the vibe of their cabin and ensure that everything during the event ran smoothly. This includes the job of hosting games, answering questions, and even participating in activities themselves~!

Yellow Cabin

Above you can see the Yellow Cabin counsellors! A team later named the Butter Duckies.

Here is a bit about the Cabin itself (partial satire):

On a stone path branching from the main camp road sits a quaint yellow cottage. Sweetly smelling flowers and foliage rest alongside its outer walls. Two trees hover over its rounded roof, keeping the place nicely shaded and tucked away like a cozy lil' secret. The small porthole windows are propped open to let in the soft lulls of a stray record from inside, along with the delicious aroma of something baking.

As you step inside, the wood floor creaks under your weight. You notice that majority of the cabin is exposed wood, painted a gentle yellow and slightly chipped. If you scratched the wall, the paint would surely chip of quite easily revealing the soft oak brown underneath. Shelves are packed tightly with books, knickknacks, and boxes of art supplies. There’s a huge ass flat screen for watching Miku Expo and a gigantic ass table for all 50 of your cabin mates 'cause how the fuck are y’all all supposed to sit down? There’s no beds, you will sleep outside and become one with the wilderness. Every morning you will eat eggs and be made to drink tea that’s too sweet. But it’s home. You paid to be here.

You feel a tap on your shoulder. Turning around you come face to face with a bird-creature sporting a large grin, "Welcome to yellow cabin butter eaters! Ready for our daily Twilight Marathon?"

Purple Cabin

Above you can see the Purple Cabin counsellors! A team later named the Boraberries.

Here is a bit about the Cabin itself:

After entering camp you are directed to head past the camp large gardens and along a stone path. Your ears detect a faint booming sound and the continuous sound of rushing water coming from the side of the main road. Curious as ever, you decide to follow along. The road meanders into a thicket of trees where you spot a counselor by a large but gentle waterfall. They greet you and direct you to look past the thick curtain of water. Following the path of their finger, you see a cave, or more of a tunnel with sunlight peeking through the other end. You walk through the waterfall, getting drenched in the process and proceed through the cool cavern of the cave.

On the other side is a field of flowers full of shades of magenta, blue, and indigo. As you keep moving forward you find yourself in front of little cottage with a bright purple cabin that is illuminated with the vibrant colors of the setting sun. The sky is illuminated with its vibrant colors. Contrasting with the pinks and magentas of the sky, a large and bright green telescope stretches from the cabin's rooftop. Your eyes drift to the moon and star shaped windows, where strobe lights beam out from the inside. Seems that someone is having a party. Moving your gaze further, you see the two tall trees on either side of the cottage with fairy lights hung between them.

The purplish door suddenly swings open. Expecting to be greeted by a fellow cabin member, you are surprised when instead your eardrums are bombarded with Party Rock Anthem. Your eyes are also overwhelmed by the bright lights that flash from the door in a crazed manner. You enter the cabin to see a wall strapped with Map of the Soul ARMY Bombs, turned to the brightest setting of purple. After aggressively rubbing your strained eyes, you are able to take in the rest of the room. You find the walls covered in galactic decorations, posters, colorful paintings, and neon bar signs. If you squint, you would see the random ball pit sat in the back corner of the cabin surrounded by big joe sofas and a wide array of plushies and pillows.

This is your new home from now on. Your body begins to vibrate without any explanations and you let the party spirit sink into your skin. Everyday we are shufflin’ pal, now you’ve joined us for eternity.


To see examples of what our wonderful campers created, please navigate through the activities below.

About Me Worksheets, Cabin Naming, & Flag Designing.

A long-term art challenges that asks artists to try new techniques and step outside of their comfort zone.

A Bingo art challenge.

A collaborative comic.

BTS Song personification/character design challenge.

A T-Shirt Design challenge.

Introduction Text & General Information

99. Artmy Discord Summer Event Summary & Rules

Camp Schedule

Final Points Summary!