
INSERT DESCRIPTION: define collaboration and what that means on our server

About Collaborations

How do collaborations work? After a collab idea is accepted, the staff team will give the host their own channel on the discord to organize their collaboration. Before it begins, artmy will be notified and allowed to select a role in order to participate. (The host doesn't need to worry about gathering participants themselves.) However you run/organize the collab is up to you. Once the collab is over and posted on social media, the channel will be deleted along with the roles.

How many collabs can run at once? Two. (If there are 2 ongoing collabs, or a big event, and your collab is accepted, then you will be put into a queue.)

How do I join a collab? (Not run one) You will see collab opportunities arise on the server through the CollabEvent channel. If you have the Collab Notification Sub. Role (which you can get in the Roles channel), then you will be notified of any new collab opportunities.

What if I have a collab idea but I don't want to run the collab? You can either ask a friend, or someone else to run the collab, or you can ask (DM) a staff member. A host is required before you can submit a collab application.

What are the requirements for creating a collab? Please see the next section.

Creating a Collab: Requirements

  1. Have a plan. Know your idea and your plan. For instance, if your idea is a BTS x Animal Crossing collaboration, be able to explain what that means and how the collaboration portion will work. If you need ideas or examples of collabs, please reach out to a staff member.

  1. Make sure you have time and resources to host a collab. If you are flooded with school work, then maybe now isn't the best time to host a collaboration. Make sure you'll be able to stick to the deadline and put your collaboration together. This also means having the programs to put the collab together (whether that be clip studio, photoshop, or with your advanced PicsArt skills).

  1. Know the time range. We allow up to 6 weeks of time for your collaboration to run (this is so that there is room/time for other collabs.) We will ask you to provide the duration of you collab in the form.

  1. If you have any question, please reach out to a staff member. The staff is there to help and will be happy to answer any questions you may have! Don't be shy if you're unsure of soemthing.