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Method : psycho-functionalism

Toolkit : humor, poetry, engineering

Inspiration : mistake and collision

Measure : between epiphany and apophenia

Way : from role to legend

GoaL : turning time into knowledge

Final effect : emotions as the life quality

art VS design ?

It's a great collision. Technically they are not alike. But are they fighting against each other? Unlikely. They both are only different tools serving the same need, the synthesis of dopamine.

For example, the Art

The culture on the whole, and the art in particular, is only a technology of changing the world for the better. The artist should make in life a very easy choice: "to waste gifts and to die" or "to create gifts and to die". Tertium non datur. Even the most independent art should be applied to human life giving useful thoughts and feelings. The boring truth we know for thousands of years.

But what about the Design?

As we know, the main thing in it is functionality. Usefulness, efficiency and so on. The beauty is second, it appears naturally according to the practical capabilities of the object, that you develop to improve the living conditions of society. But look, what's the main function of design? I think it's similar to art. Every product has to give entertainment and inspiration. The mind of an individual exists in an electrochemical environment powered by feelings.The feelings define the quality of life. And more, the brain is the main erogenous zone. Human body needs attention, but the soul needs more. All the same, the art or the design.

Tragicomedia and the dopamine

Our life becomes shorter every day. Every experience could be named a little tragicomedia, even though it's successful. There is no try without the mistake. But we can turn the loss of time into knowledge, giving us new abilities to gain a bit of happiness. Every new product should help us in it.

Happiness engineering

When I say “the good artist”, I mean “the engineer''. You have to comprehend things in view of the sum of their properties, because you need to find the harmony of aim and tool. It is clear as the day to me, that the reason does not justify the method, but determines it. I love people, so my work is to build the human environment according to human nature.

On the way to the effect

Rethinking Shakespeare, all the life's a stage, and all the objects merely players. When starting the next new project, I consider the role of the object I create. In any case, it should serve people. As mentioned above, the mind exists through feelings. So, the next stage of the project is the legend of the product. It should play with the imagination, making our life more interesting. Homo Sapiens is also known as Homo Ludens, the Playful Human.

Finally, you can see why the psycho-functionalism 🙃