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Sheet metal shaping

hammering \ rolling \ stamping

high grade complexity of shape \ bionic & anatomic hollow objects

materials used : food grade stainless steel (AISI 304) \ ferrous metal 08kp (1008) \ aluminum alloys \ copper alloys

Cold plastic deformation of sheet material

Processing with shaped hammering machine tools, hand hammering

Volumetric stamping on pressing equipment

Shaping with an English wheel and a Bead Rolling machine

Shrinker & Stretcher shaping

Working with Sheet Rollers and Linear Benders of different types

Stamping : screw press with proposal made dies and other intermediate stage equipment

dies are manufactured with the milling machine

Combined shaping : stamping & hammering on the matrix

example of shaped steel 1.2mm gauge : intermediate stage equipment as the precise reproduction of the three-liter jar