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hard VS smooth

fusion interior mocking different human passions

the public space I eveloped in 2016 in Chernivtsy, Ukraine. The material filling was produced by hand with my old art team, the Headmate. The owner of the restaurant wanted something defiant to shake the public. My hands were untied.


the paradox

the visual sense of coziness is disturbed by the alarming pattern above the entrance openings, this is facilitated by the abundance of metal and tough humor, but the functional comfort of furniture and the tactile warmth of wood neutralizes the first emotions.

The interior is visually filled with furniture and accessories. Some objects are large and expensive in appearance, some are illusory, they are simply painted on the walls. The drawings are full of sarcasm.


The sculptures are conceptual. Venus de Milo was made from toilet paper. By the way, the mystery of her lost hands was solved: the goddess does not shy away from human passions and enjoys a selfie.

more about the Venus >

The Portrait of the cook team is of paper too.

more about the cook team >

from the workshop to the people: