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theatre and film production :

stage set design, swing-gang work

costume design \ character design \ stage property

2020 PAMPHIR (the movie, director Dmytro Sukholitky-Sobchuk)

2017 – CALIGULA (the play by Albert Camus, director Alex Kravchuk)

2015 ECCLESIASTES (the puppet show for adults, director Olexiy Kravchuk).

2016 – The GIFT OF DIALOGUE for the SHAKESPEARE THEATER / Gdański Teatr Szekspirowski (Gdansk, Poland).

2019 – FREDERIC OR BOULEVARD OF CRIME (the play by Eric-Emmanuel Schmitt, director Olexiy Kravchuk, stage designer Asya Kravchuk).

2020 – CHILDREN OF NOAH (play by Eric-Emmanuel Schmitt, director Olexiy Kravchuk, stage design by Ulyana Kultshytska).