Origin: Trespasser

Original form: Great dane

Nature: Crotchety

Nature Feature(s): White spruce

Size: Stubby (18 gal plastic tote)

Biome: Mountain

Boundary: Taiga (Moraine lake)


Design Notes:

  • He is very plump

  • He usually is grumpy and doesn't talk much

  • He has melon like designs

  • Please look over their traits on the masterlist link above if you are confused about a part of the design


P e r s o n a l i t y

A little bit withdrawn, Scrooge is often judged wrongly by his name. He can be rather distant and generally keeps to himself on most things, avoiding strangers and sticking to his boundary in the mountains. Others never stick around to talk to him, but after a bit... he seems to warm up a tad.

H i s t o r y

A great dane with a loving poor family in Europe the 1940s

Family escapes by boat to get away from the war time

Scrooge gets an infection from the bad hygenine of the boat and family does not have the medications to fix it

He lives with it for a long time, enjoying his family happiness despite the bad times

Scrooge passes a day after Christmas, surrounded by love from his family and the holiday season

Scrooge is then taken to a beautiful lake for a grave and after, transformed by an esk

Scrooge remembers and watches his family mourn him under the beautiful lights that were still up until new years and has a new understanding and love for the season, despite his passing

He watches over his family and grows lonely, sad and regretful as he learns what these emotions are and becomes well... a scrooge

Watching his family move on, he eventually returns to his lake to remember his life