Origin: Abnormal

Original form: Plant terrarium

Nature: Befuddled

Nature Feature(s): Moss, decaying log, grass, dirt, pixie parasol, jack frost

Size: Zooping (basket ball)

Biome: Developed

Boundary: Overgrown Greenhouse


Design Notes:

  • His neck and legs extend but he can only bend his neck, his legs cannot bend

  • Please look over their traits on the masterlist link above if you are confused about a part of the design


P e r s o n a l i t y

Generally very lost, this esk doesn't really understand a lot that is happening around it. They tend to look at things with obvious confusion despite not talking or being able to show much emotion. Bowl knows inside that they were born into this world by a big esk that is similar to them, but they can't place why they are similar or why they were made to be an esk in the first place. ​

Bowl likes to explore and is curious about anything they can stick their neck out to... or into. Their legs are rather rigid so extending their legs and neck is often how they fumble around and look at things.

H i s t o r y
