Origin: Abnormal traveler

Original form: Fallen moth's wing

Nature: Sensitive

Nature Feature(s): Bluets

Size: Mini (chipmunk)

Biome: Forest

Boundary: Sunny forest clearing

Familiar: Mourning dove

Design Notes:

  • She has a new design, please see reference link above

  • Her wings can be any size

  • Please look over their traits on the masterlist link above if you are confused about a part of the design


P e r s o n a l i t y

Kiel is thoughtful and often is strung around by her whims and instant gratifications. She doesn't like to linger in a place for too long, finding comfort in travel and enjoying new exciting things. Kiel is torn from her past, having difficulty now remembering past relationships and other Esk's she once saw as her friends and family. She does not remember how she came to be but has rather negative feelings about it if she thinks about it too hard.

Kiel believes bygones should stay bygones.

H i s t o r y
