Origin: Trespasser

Original form: Entomologist

Nature: Incredulous

Nature Feature(s): Duckweed

Size: Disappointing (small cat)

Biome: Forest

Boundary: Overgrown research facility


Design Notes:

  • His tail always is flexed into a heart shape

  • He has faint markings on his back

  • Please look over their traits on the masterlist link above if you are confused about a part of the design


P e r s o n a l i t y

Ex scientist with a serious superiority complex, Koi is a piece of work to say the least. Although way less frightening in his new esk form, Koi acts similarly to how he was as a human, being unable to remember his past interactions with other humans. Koi still tries to do research, despite being a thing that cannot interact with alive creatures and such as decided to study esks instead.

Seeing the variety in other esks, he finds himself extremely disappointing and wishes he had a creator that didn't have a pigeon brain. In general Koi just tries to do his own thing despite what happened to him, hiding in his research shack or traveling to see and talk to other esks.

H i s t o r y
