Origin: Abnormal Traveler

Original form: White Moth

Nature: Hubristic

Nature Feature(s): Lily of the valley, White Birch (Betula papyrifera)

Size: Medium (greyhound)

Biome: Developed

Boundary: Forest Shrouded Shrine


Design Notes:

  • Her hair is chopped at blunt angles on her mane

  • She always looks elegant and confident

  • Please look over their traits on the masterlist link above if you are confused about a part of the design


P e r s o n a l i t y

Ethe is a very gentle individual and generally keeps to herself. She steps lightly on everything she touches, as if she she is tip toeing, wary of the ground she walks on; this also goes with her attitude, never talking much but actively paying attention to her surroundings. She never leaves anything to chance which in turn makes her extremely confident in the movements she does make.

She doesn’t make much noise but she is by all means stubborn and solid minded; when Ethe has her heart on something she will follow it to completion. Others could get annoyed by this part of her but she is not bothered by that at all, words are words to her after all. She was always more cautious as a moth so she finally feels the freedoms of exploring that she did not have before.

Despite not showing much expression in her tone, she has a lot of fun meeting others and loves to walk in their shoes, listening to their stories and sharing her own when she feels comfortable enough with them to speak. Etheisa can also be quite comical without meaning to, getting used to her new body or voicing concerns that might make others laugh. Overall she is just very relaxed and wants to have a calm new beginning and sees this transformation as a chance of living a better life then the box she had forced herself into as a forest moth.

She is happy like this.

H i s t o r y

Ethesia was a large white moth in a vast forest

Being drawn to lights, she mistaken city lights as the moon at night and got terribly lost when near the edges of her forest

Knowing the city is bad, she returned to the forest but did not know where she was before

It was a cold night when she was attacked by a bird and lost a single wing in her escape

Being unable to fly properly, she hovered to a set of overgrown steps on a path no longer traveled by humans

It was there, before death, she was introduced to a mysterious but beautiful esk that transformed her into what she is now

She travels aimlessly looking for other esks