Le Mort Family 

The Le Mort family is one of the oldest families that have hosted the Anyrii, originally an acolyte under the Sera family. They're the first recorded in the archives to become an Amalgamation host.


Michel Coué was a sickly individual who suffered from a sickness that rendered him bed sick for most of his childhood, however when he could muster up the strength, he would forage the local woods and fields to document and recreate home brew recipes of medical journals. As he grew older, his strength deteriorated and on his last trip to forage items, before his limbs gave out, he stumbled into a hidden clearing, where a will 'o wisp granted him the power to be healed. Later on, he discovered that the will 'o wisp was an Anyrii named Hippocrates who had bonded with him.

To the medical community, Michel Coué was a medical marvel that beat the odds and certainty of permanent comatose. To his parents it was a miracle from God, as he became more active and integrated into society he encountered a small village plagued with disease and though he had no formal skills in medicine, he helped as best as he could. It opened his eyes to how widespread and contagious diseases and maladies were and drove him to study medicine. He specialized in pharmacology and surgery. After his apprenticeship, he decided to become a traveling doctor in order to see illnesses in their localities and find the source of it. As he had Hippocrates, his Anyrii with him, all mortal illnesses had no chance of infecting him.

His success became widespread and some religious factions have labelled him as a holy healer sent by God and this notoriety allowed him to set up practice and have individuals with the rarest maladies come for his expertise. Though many claimed that he was a man who could heal a leper and cure the blind, those were merely rumors and exaggerations and to Michel Coué it indicated that his work was not done and that his life’s magnum opus was to cure the sick and dying.

Throughout the years he found love in a humble and beautiful woman who came to ask for his help with her constant fatigue and headaches. She had no money for compensation as she traveled halfway across France to see him and all he asked in return was to help him with his botanical gardens and foraging. 

Over time he grew to admire her tenacity even in the face of hardship and her unfetering determination. He asked for her hand in marriage and on a sunny spring day they married in a small alcove. She became pregnant a few months after their honeymoon and Michel worried that his ailing wife grew sicker as the child continued to grow. It was the same sunny spring day that their daughter was born however his wife passed from a traumatic childbirth and he has never fully gotten over his beloved’s passing. Fully believed that if he had just accepted the occult as part of his experimentations perhaps he would have found a way to cure her and these thoughts pervaded his every waking moment and caused him to distance himself from his daughter. He spent most of his days in his laboratory, experimenting with animals and embedding them with the flame of Hippocrates.

While he was out of town, his daughter Jamie Coué had snuck into his laboratory and freed an experiment that was locked in a cage appearing for all intents to have been dead. However, as soon as little Jamie had stuck her hand out, the experiment latched onto her refusing to go causing the parasite to burrow deep into her body. Michel of course was too busy pouring his all into his research and hadn’t recognized that one of his experiments had escaped. 

The police reports were unsure as to what exactly happened days after the famous doctor’s house and clinic were set ablaze. The doctor was out of town for a few days and it was a single governess and the daughter in the home. However, upon closer investigation, only the governess’ remains were found and there was a lack of evidence of the daughter’s remains. However, no little girl was found in the nearby areas and thus the report concluded that perhaps she was close to the origin of the fire and thus had little to no remains.

After the loss of his wife, his life’s work, and the only piece of his wife’s existence, their daughter Jamie apparently caught in the flames, he fell further into his obsession again delving deeper into topics of finding immortality with the existence of Anyrii. In order to kickstart his plan, he needed to find more test subjects and more Anyrii to inject into the test subjects in order to determine whether immortality was truly found with the perfect symbiotic relationship of Anyrii and Host. He disguised his plans under the company Saileach Pharmaceuticals, named after his late wife Saileach Healy.

Saileach Pharmaceuticals slowly grew into an international organization specializing in manufacturing pharmaceutical medicine and equipment for those who have rare diseases. Michel Coué took in Willow Hickey as his apprentice after discovering her fascinating Anyrii condition, they’ve made great strides in their research and when Willow’s apprenticeship was nearly complete, Michel offered her a job within the company as the head of the Anyrii-focused research and development department. Their departments were rumored to have been the cause of the amalgabunns infestation though their internal investigations have concluded that the fault was not internal. 

Michel Coué passed away on his bed, never fully achieving the goal of curing all ailments and finding the key to immortality. The position and power of the company shifted to his devout and faithful apprentice and long-time friend Willow Hickey. Later on, Willow changed her last name from Hickey to Le Mort and made it her goal to continue the magnum opus of her former mentor Michel Coué however instead of simple immortality for mortals, she skewed on the obsession of improving humanity and their synchronization with Anyrii.