The Anyrii 

The true origins of the Anyrii are unclear, whether it is derived from The Other or from the consciousness of humanity not even the oldest of the surviving Anyrii are sure. What is known is how Anyrii are formed nowadays. When older Anyrii creates wisps, over time the wisps gain sentience and separate from the Anyrii and mold themselves according to their own wishes, however, if they wish to maintain this sentience they require a tangible body that anchors them into the physical realm. This is where the host comes in.

The true form of the Anyrii is cold to the touch but burns the skin. They are intangible but felt. When they have a host, their bodies become slightly tangible like very fine silk that looks like a heavy yet contained fog


The Anyrii have different abilities that are shaped by their circumstances, when they gain a host they too have the ability to channel the Anyrii’s learned abilities.

Some have a preference for traditional abilities such as elemental powers, some have the ability to communicate and summon souls from The Other. Some have strangely specific abilities that aren’t at all beneficial unless used creatively.


The Anyrii when they do not have their host communicate using the light they give off, use a version similar to Morse code to signal to others as they do not use sound to communicate often. If the Anyrii has a host, they are able to learn the language through the symbiotic relationship they have with the host.

However, if they are in a parasitic relationship, it ends up sounding muddled and indecipherable. Amalgamation Anyrii has multiple voices so it sounds like a sea of chaotic garbled whispering or screeching.