Barnabas Family 

The Barnabas family is one of the oldest families that have hosted the Anyrii, originally an acolyte under the Sera family. They're the first recorded in the archives to become an Amalgamation host.


Vincent Barnabas was an orphan who worked in textile factories during the 1700s as one of the Parish apprentices. The work days were long and the compensation poor, often his hands were scraped by the coarse fabrics and poor quality machines that the factories had. His lungs filled with smog by the time he was 8. When he was 15, he ran away to London for a better life than to die in a factory from overworking. He planned for this for years, stocking up on money and supplies for his eventual bout of freedom. Upon arriving in Birmingham, he ran out of food and his money a paltry amount that he could not waste on food as it was needed to buy the ticket to London. In his exhaustion and hunger, he had collapsed near the canals in front of Cassius Sera's carriage. 

The man, Cassius Sera was a man who came from new wealth his capital ventures allowed him to grow his business internationally and garnered him prestige and a good reputation. He took in Vincent Barnabas and nursed him back to health, the maid that cleaned him and gave him new clothes was about to dispose of the boy's clothing when Cassius Sera noticed a partly hidden but detailed embroidery on the inside of the coat. Cassius Sera had guessed that perhaps his young guest was a worker of one of the booming textile factories in the country. Cassius decided that the boy was put in his path for a reason and so hired Vincent to be a servant of the Sera family.

Vincent Barnabas was taught how to be a servant and did his job diligently, eventually being trusted by Cassius Sera to look after the youngest and sickly son of the family, Azazel Sera. To ensure he could handle any potential threats to the heir of the Sera fortune, Vincent Barnabas was inducted into the family by way of becoming a Host for a progeny of Seraphim. Vincent was promoted from a personal servant of Azazel to the head of the security team which were all mortals that had no connection with any Anyrii. Despite his separation from being Azazel's bodyguard, they grew very fond of each other and maintained a private and intimate relationship. When Azazel was in his 20's his health further declined and with the prodding of Margot Sera, his mother, Azazel was inducted into the ritual to receive a progeny of Seraphim and hopefully have him healed of his ailments. However, something went awry with the ritual and instead of one sentient wisp forming a contract with Azazel he had contracted another one. To date, Azazel is the only Sera to have ever formed a pact with two Anyrii and become an Amalgamation of Anyrii's Host. At first, it looked to have healed him and made him stronger but the two Anyrii within him fought and argued causing Azazel's health to rapidly deteriorate.

Vincent was devastated, his lover was succumbing to the incompatibility of the two Anyrii and in a fit of madness had tried to force one or the other to contract with him instead however the malicious second Anyrii merely laughed in the face of Vincent's misery and set Azazel ablaze traumatizing Vincent with the visage of his screaming lover's burning because of a supernatural fire.


Vincent Barnabas grieving the loss of his lover, left the Sera family and traveled to Eastern Europe. During his long journey of mourning, he came into contact with another Anyrii and bonded with it causing conflict with his current Anyrii. However, the records from his journals do not mention the specifics of when and what occurred. From before and after gaining a second Anyrii, he became a changed man. A man whose sorrow of a lover lost never left him and has vowed to get revenge on specific members of the Sera family, those that Vincent believed had wronged him and Azazel.

He never truly uncovered the incident that led to the death of his beloved Azazel, but he eventually was married to a woman named Aisling Dockery and had twins named Saoirse and Caitlín. Despite his grief and need for revenge consuming the majority of his life, he was a good father and taught them to be strong and independent. To never rely on anyone else and that the Anyrii were nothing more than tools to use for their own benefit. This ideology was passed on to future generations and was twisted and became worse.