White Folks Workbook

What is the White Folks Workbook?

Many White folks are trying to figure out how to make a practice of anti-racism. Many people are reading, studying, posting, donating, and protesting trying to do the right thing. In speaking with White folks who are early in their anti-racist identity development, much of this work is being done haphazardly, grabbing whatever resources and lessons present themselves most readily, without much awareness of where growth is happening, and where it still needs to happen. White folks are reading without processing, taking action in reaction, and going at a pace that doesn't allow enough time for reflection or enough structure for sustainability. This is where the White Folks Workbook comes in.

The White Folks Workbook is a week-by-week guide of resources, activities, and reflections for White folks trying to do the work of anti-racism. Each week, I will post some information that will draw on important teachings of anti-racist scholars and activists along with some activities designed for White folks to complete in a journal, with an accountability partner, or in a group. The workbook will create a learning trajectory for beginning the continual work of unlearning White supremacy, reeducating oneself as a co-consipirator, and developing a lifelong practice of anti-racism.

Who is the White Folks Workbook for?

The White Folks Workbook is for anyone White, anyone who benefits from White privilege, and anyone who relates to the internal anti-racist work that White folks need to do. The workbook is designed for adults who have begun their journey of reeducation around racism, but are looking for more guidance on how to reflect. It is made for those looking for a structured study of some of the texts and ideas that are central to decolonizing one's mind. Those who are struggling to turn learning into action will find this resource helpful. Those who cannot afford to pay for courses can access this resource, as it is free.

How is the White Folks Workbook meant to be used?

The White Folks Workbook is a weekly study guide that works best if accompanied by additional reading, studying, and conversation.

Each week contains:

  • a lesson in a particular area of anti-racist White work

  • several reflection activities

  • "homework" for the week to internalize the type of thinking practiced in each session, as well as some extended reading suggestions to support the week's work

  • links to resources that have inspired the week's work and aided in my own reeducation, including articles, books, videos, and social media posts

Activities are best completed in conversation with other White folks doing the work, but can begin individually through journaling. If you don't have other White folks to work alongside, consider attending the Anti-Racism Every Day White Allyship Group. New workbook posts will be posted after this group each week.

Where does the White Folks Workbook come from?

The White Folks Workbook was developed as part of my work for Anti-Racism Every Day. The content is developed for use in the Anti-Racism Every Day White Allyship Group, a weekly virtual meeting of White folks working toward an anti-racist lifestyle. The trajectory of the workbook is based on my own personal work as a White person trying to unlearn the culture of White supremacy and reeducating myself to live an anti-racist lifestyle. I am still, and will always be, in the midst of my internal anti-racist work. Many of the structures are drawn from my work as an educator doing staff development around race and equity. The content is largely based on the incredible work of anti-racist scholars and activists, from whom I have learned much of what I know, and whose voices I want to amplify in my work. This workbook comes from a White perspective and is best accompanied by in depth study of the work and voices of Black, Indigenous, and People of Color of the Global Majority.

Is it free?

Yes, the White Folks Workbook is free because it is produced by a White person, and I (Rebecca) do not want to profit from this work. However, I if you would like to purchase a printable copy of the workbook and support our organization, you can do so here.

Organizations for Donations

Grassroots Law Project - "The Grassroots Law Project organizes volunteers around smart strategies, using the latest technology and informed by deep legal expertise, to do the fierce, necessary work that results in justice. We're working on cases where people have been unjustly targeted, arrested, convicted, sentenced, and even killed, along racial lines – and we're advocating for deep systemic change wherever we can."

Abolitionist Teaching Network - "Abolitionist Teaching Network's mission is simple: develop and support educators to fight injustice within their schools and communities. Utilizing the intellectual work and direct action of Abolitionists in many forms, including community organizers, educators, parents, social workers, counselors, lawyers, therapists, artists, health care providers, and incarcerated folx, we will organize and take action for educational freedom."

Teens Take Charge - "Teens take charge is a student-led movement for educational equity in New York City. Too often, decisions about our schools are made without our voices. No longer. Our growing coalition of high school students from across the five boroughs will not rest until our public school system lives up to its promise of providing all of us an equitable education. Through oral & written testimony, meetings with policymakers, and targeted advocacy campaigns, we — the students of New York City — are taking our schools and futures into our hands."

Third Wave Fund - "​For twenty years, Third Wave Fund has been a leader in gender justice, ​a movement to end patriarchy, transphobia, homophobia, and misogyny. Third Wave Fund is the only activist fund led by and for women of color, intersex, queer, and trans folks under 35 years old in the US. We ensure young women, queer, and trans youth of color have the tools and resources they need to lead powerful movements, and that they have a seat at the table within philanthropy. Third Wave supports gender and reproductive justice groups from the ground up with rapid response grants, long-term funding for emerging groups, and capacity building."

Al Otro Lado - "We are a bi-national, social justice legal services organization serving indigent deportees, migrants, and refugees in Tijuana, Mexico. Our mission is to provide legal services and to uplift our immigrant communities by defending the rights of migrants against systemic injustices in the legal system."

Coalition to Stop Violence Against Native Women (Missing and Murdered Indigenous Womxn, Girls, and Two Spirit) - "CSVANW is an award winning organization at the forefront to a dynamic approach to the tribal domestic and sexual violence fields that is demonstrating the most effective, creative and innovative ways to address and prevent the cycle of violence within tribal communities. Across the region, thousands of Native people have mobilized as part of strong networks within the movement to end violence, and are advocating for better response, services and community-led approaches to prevention using strength-based community programming."