About Us

How We Make Change

Steps Toward Sustainable Action and Change

Our goal as an organization is ultimately to foster activists in all positions to be able to take action in constant and sustainable ways that impact larger systemic change. How do we define “activist” at Anti-Racism Every day? We define activists as any human being willingly ready to take sustainable action, initiate change, and make an impact, even if they don’t know how.

When activists come to our organization with a Desire to Take Action, we build a relationship in which we provide:

  1. Affinity Groups: We believe the initial work toward collaboration as a multicultural community of activists and take effective action is different for White folks and BIPOC folks. We provide learning affinity groups (groups separated by identity) for both White and BIPOC people, which allow healing connected to one's racial identity:

    • Healing for White folks looks like learning, discomfort, and self-awareness.

    • Healing for BIPOC folks looks like honoring history and experience, racial healing, and self-advocacy.

  2. Readiness for Cross-Cultural Dialogue and Action: We believe moving from internal to external anti-racist work requires a readiness both to occupy cross-cultural spaces and to see oneself as an activist. We prepare White and BIPOC activists to enter authentic cross-cultural conversations with a transformative mindset and to conceive of action that capitalizes on their position and change-making superpowers.

  3. Cross-Cultural Ecto-Systemic Community of Activists: We connect our White and BIPOC activists in deep relationships forged through a community that exists outside the systems they are trying to change. This provides support, collectivism, problem-solving, and experience that our community members can then use to make bottom-up change within the systems where they spend their lives.

Our practices transform budding activists into active, critical participants in the anti-racist community.

Our Values


We are facilitators of connection, not givers of knowledge. We seek to grow and learn together in community. 


We recognize that healing must occur on both sides for true change to take place.


We show up as our authentic selves and promote others to be able to do the same.


We believe change is not top-down, but bottom-up. We seek to empower average folks to take action right where they are.

Who We Are

Learn more about our titles in The Social Change Ecosystem Map by Deepa Iyer

Rebecca Grodner

Founder and Co-Visionary

Rebecca Grodner is, first and foremost, an educator. She is a middle school ELA teacher in New York City, where she supports her students in using reading and writing to pursue justice in the world around them. She has a bachelor's degree in English Education and a master's degree in Curriculum Development and Instructional Technology.

Rebecca has been doing anti-racist work internally on herself for over a decade and has been facilitating anti-racism professional development for teachers since 2013. In 2020, after the murder of George Floyd, Rebecca responded to the many texts and calls from friends and family asking “What can I do as a White person?” by creating Anti-Racism Every Day. Combining her curriculum writing acumen, her emotional intelligence, and the wisdom she had learned from so many amazing Black voices and educators, she developed frameworks to support White folks. She led with her heart and watched a community of eager activists grow around her. She is so filled with joy to see this community grow. Outside anti-racism and teaching, she is passionate about reading, cooking, dancing and hanging out with her two cats.


Monai Myles


Monai Myles is an Organizational Development Specialist in Denver where they support leader and team development by means of trainings, workshops, and coaching. They experienced an epiphany in 2010 when studying a year abroad in Spain—evolving from an extreme introvert to a woman with a voice. This experience informed Monai in their decision to become a foreign language educator in Memphis, TN through the Teach for America Program. There, Monai intentionally incorporated diverse and inclusive pedagogical practices to empower their students’ intersecting identities.

Monai passionately engages in equity work, training, facilitation, and developing leaders at all levels. Providing an authentic perspective, inquisitive thinking, and breaking conventional ways of thinking is a passion of Monai’s and they are excited to bring that to Anti-Racism Everyday. In their free time they enjoy walking their 1-year-old Shih-Tzu Zeppelin, dancing to afrobeats, and using their poetic artistry to process the experiences of a modern black non-binary person in Denver.
