
20 July 2023

Unveiling the Potency of Yijin-Tang:
A Gift from Traditional Chinese Medicine


Venture with us as we explore the formidable power of Yijin-Tang, a renowned herbal blend entrenched in the profound knowledge of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). This intricate blend of medicinal plants, utilized over centuries, is designed to harmonize and enhance health in our bodies.

Components of Yijin-Tang

The Yijin-Tang formula boasts several potent herbs, each lending its unique properties to this complex mix. First, we have Rehmannia glutinosa, or Chinese foxglove, celebrated for enriching the blood and strengthening the kidneys. Then comes Paeonia lactiflora, the white peony, esteemed for its liver and blood invigorating attributes.

Angelica sinensis, popularly referred to as dong quai or female ginseng, is recognized for its blood-nourishing and menstrual-regulating benefits. Astragalus membranaceus, or Huang Qi, is esteemed for its immune-enhancing and vitality-boosting properties. Lastly, Cinnamomum cassia, or Chinese cinnamon, holds value for addressing cold and deficiency syndromes with its warming nature.

The Power of Yijin-Tang in TCM

In the realm of TCM, Yijin-Tang is frequently administered to alleviate conditions tied to "Qi and Blood Deficiency" and "Kidney and Liver Deficiency." These imbalances can cause various symptoms, such as fatigue, pallor, dizziness, palpitations, backache, knee weakness, and tinnitus, among others.

Modern Scientific Investigations

Contemporary scientific research has started to unravel the prospective benefits of Yijin-Tang. Studies suggest that this herbal blend could mitigate muscle wasting in cancer cachexia, reinstate gut microbiota balance following antibiotic-induced dysbiosis, and adjust the Th17/Treg cell balance in collagen-induced arthritis.


As with any therapeutic regimen, Yijin-Tang should be consumed under a qualified healthcare provider's guidance to avoid potential side effects or interactions with other medications.


Discover the profound power of Traditional Chinese Medicine with Yijin-Tang, an age-old herbal concoction designed to reinstate balance and foster health. For a more in-depth exploration, visit our blog and partake in our quest for health and wellness. Together, we can navigate the rich tapestry of traditional wisdom and modern science.

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